

假设我们正在构建一个基本的 CNN 来识别猫和狗的图片(二元分类器)。

此类 CNN 的示例如下:

model = Sequential([
  Conv2D(32, (3,3), input_shape=...),

  Conv2D(32, (3,3), input_shape=...),

  Conv2D(64, (3,3), input_shape=...),


我们还假设我们希望将模型分成两部分,或两个模型,称为model_0 and model_1.



model_0 = Sequential([
  Conv2D(32, (3,3), input_shape=...),

  Conv2D(32, (3,3), input_shape=...),

  Conv2D(64, (3,3), input_shape=...),

model_1 = Sequential([

如何将这两个模型当作一个模型来训练?我尝试手动设置渐变,但我不明白如何传递渐变model_1 to model_0:

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for step, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(train_generator):

        # model 0
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape_0:
            y_pred_0 = model_0(x_batch, training=True)

        # model 1
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape_1:
            y_pred_1 = model_1(y_pred_0, training=True)

            loss_value = loss_fn(y_batch_tensor, y_pred_1)

        grads_1 = tape_1.gradient(y_pred_1, model_1.trainable_weights)
        grads_0 = tape_0.gradient(y_pred_0, model_0.trainable_weights)
        optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads_1, model_1.trainable_weights))
        optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads_0, model_0.trainable_weights))


这是一个针对此问题的简单版本的 Google Colab 笔记本,仅使用两个全连接层和两个激活函数:https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14Px1rJtiupnB6NwtvbgeVYw56N1xM6JU#scrollTo=PeqtJJWS3wyG https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14Px1rJtiupnB6NwtvbgeVYw56N1xM6JU#scrollTo=PeqtJJWS3wyG

请注意,我知道Sequential([model_0, model_1]),但这不是我想要达到的目标。我想手动执行反向传播步骤。



在寻求帮助并更好地了解动态之后自动微分 (or autodiff),我设法得到了一个可行的、简单的例子来说明我想要实现的目标。尽管这种方法不能完全解决问题,但它使我们在理解如何解决当前问题方面向前迈进了一步。



import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation, Dense, Layer, Flatten, Conv2D
import numpy as np

# 3 batches, 10x10 images, 1 channel
x = tf.random.uniform((3, 10, 10, 1))
y = tf.cast(tf.random.uniform((3, 1)) > 0.5, tf.float32)

layer_0 = Sequential([Conv2D(filters=6, kernel_size=2, activation="relu")])
layer_1 = Sequential([Conv2D(filters=6, kernel_size=2, activation="relu")])
layer_2 = Sequential([Flatten(), Dense(1), Activation("sigmoid")])

loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()

我们将其分为三个部分,layer_0, layer_1, layer_2。普通方法只是将所有内容放在一起并一一计算梯度(或一步计算):

with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
    out_layer_0 = layer_0(x)
    out_layer_1 = layer_1(out_layer_0)
    out_layer_2 = layer_2(out_layer_1)
    loss = loss_fn(y, out_layer_2)


ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights2 = tape.gradient(loss, layer_2.trainable_weights)
ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights1 = tape.gradient(loss, layer_1.trainable_weights)
ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights0 = tape.gradient(loss, layer_0.trainable_weights)

ref_conv_dLoss_dY = tape.gradient(loss, out_layer_2)
ref_conv_dLoss_dOut1 = tape.gradient(loss, out_layer_1)
ref_conv_dOut2_dOut1 = tape.gradient(out_layer_2, out_layer_1)
ref_conv_dLoss_dOut0 = tape.gradient(loss, out_layer_0)
ref_conv_dOut1_dOut0 = tape.gradient(out_layer_1, out_layer_0)
ref_conv_dOut0_dWeights0 = tape.gradient(out_layer_0, layer_0.trainable_weights)
ref_conv_dOut1_dWeights1 = tape.gradient(out_layer_1, layer_1.trainable_weights)
ref_conv_dOut2_dWeights2 = tape.gradient(out_layer_2, layer_2.trainable_weights)




with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape_0:
    out_layer_0 = model.layers[0](x)

with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape_1:
    out_layer_1 = model.layers[1](out_layer_0)

with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape_2:
    out_flatten = model.layers[2](out_layer_1)
    out_layer_2 = model.layers[3](out_flatten)
    loss = loss_fn(y, out_layer_2)


Instead, we have to use tape.jacobian https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/GradientTape#jacobian and tape.batch_jacobian https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/GradientTape#batch_jacobian, except for , as we only have one value as a source.

dOut0_dWeights0 = tape_0.jacobian(out_layer_0, model.layers[0].trainable_weights)

dOut1_dOut0 = tape_1.batch_jacobian(out_layer_1, out_layer_0)
dOut1_dWeights1 = tape_1.jacobian(out_layer_1, model.layers[1].trainable_weights)

dOut2_dOut1 = tape_2.batch_jacobian(out_layer_2, out_layer_1)
dOut2_dWeights2 = tape_2.jacobian(out_layer_2, model.layers[3].trainable_weights)

dLoss_dOut2 = tape_2.gradient(loss, out_layer_2) # or dL/dY


def add_missing_axes(source_tensor, target_tensor):
    len_missing_axes = len(target_tensor.shape) - len(source_tensor.shape)
    # note: the number of tf.newaxis is determined by the number of axis missing to reach
    # the same dimension of the target tensor
    assert len_missing_axes >= 0

    # convenience renaming
    source_tensor_extended = source_tensor
    # add every missing axis
    for _ in range(len_missing_axes):
        source_tensor_extended = source_tensor_extended[..., tf.newaxis]

    return source_tensor_extended

def upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOutUpstream_dWeightsLocal, dLoss_dOutUpstream):
    dLoss_dOutUpstream_extended = add_missing_axes(dLoss_dOutUpstream, dOutUpstream_dWeightsLocal)
    # reduce over the first axes
    len_reduce = range(len(dLoss_dOutUpstream.shape))
    return tf.reduce_sum(dOutUpstream_dWeightsLocal * dLoss_dOutUpstream_extended, axis=len_reduce)

def upstream_gradient_loss_out(dOutUpstream_dOutLocal, dLoss_dOutUpstream):
    dLoss_dOutUpstream_extended = add_missing_axes(dLoss_dOutUpstream, dOutUpstream_dOutLocal)
    len_reduce = range(len(dLoss_dOutUpstream.shape))[1:]
    return tf.reduce_sum(dOutUpstream_dOutLocal * dLoss_dOutUpstream_extended, axis=len_reduce)


dOut2_dOut1 = tape_2.batch_jacobian(out_layer_2, out_layer_1)
dOut2_dWeights2 = tape_2.jacobian(out_layer_2, model.layers[3].trainable_weights)

dLoss_dOut2 = tape_2.gradient(loss, out_layer_2) # or dL/dY
dLoss_dWeights2 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut2_dWeights2[0], dLoss_dOut2)
dLoss_dBias2 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut2_dWeights2[1], dLoss_dOut2)

dLoss_dOut1 = upstream_gradient_loss_out(dOut2_dOut1, dLoss_dOut2)
dLoss_dWeights1 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut1_dWeights1[0], dLoss_dOut1)
dLoss_dBias1 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut1_dWeights1[1], dLoss_dOut1)

dLoss_dOut0 = upstream_gradient_loss_out(dOut1_dOut0, dLoss_dOut1)
dLoss_dWeights0 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut0_dWeights0[0], dLoss_dOut0)
dLoss_dBias0 = upstream_gradient_loss_weights(dOut0_dWeights0[1], dLoss_dOut0)

print("dLoss_dWeights2 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights2[0], dLoss_dWeights2).numpy())
print("dLoss_dBias2 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights2[1], dLoss_dBias2).numpy())
print("dLoss_dWeights1 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights1[0], dLoss_dWeights1).numpy())
print("dLoss_dBias1 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights1[1], dLoss_dBias1).numpy())
print("dLoss_dWeights0 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights0[0], dLoss_dWeights0).numpy())
print("dLoss_dBias0 valid:", tf.experimental.numpy.allclose(ref_conv_dLoss_dWeights0[1], dLoss_dBias0).numpy())


dLoss_dWeights2 valid: True
dLoss_dBias2 valid: True
dLoss_dWeights1 valid: True
dLoss_dBias1 valid: True
dLoss_dWeights0 valid: True
dLoss_dBias0 valid: True





  • (EN) https://mblondel.org/teaching/autodiff-2020.pdf https://mblondel.org/teaching/autodiff-2020.pdf
  • (EN) https://www.sscardapane.it/assets/files/nnds2021/Lecture_3_filled_connected.pdf https://www.sscardapane.it/assets/files/nnds2021/Lecture_3_fully_connected.pdf
  • (ITA) https://iaml.it/blog/differenziazione-automatica-parte-1 https://iaml.it/blog/differenziazione-automatica-parte-1

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