我应该在 javadoc 类和方法注释中写什么?


我目前已经创建了一个应用程序,需要一些帮助来为其编写 javadoc。


import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

*@author Name HERE 
*@version 1.0
* The Assignment2App public class represents a menu application that will form
* the base of the other source files which will be able to run within this program.
* Users will be able to run another source file within this pogram of which they choose
* by selecting a number specified by the output presented to them on the command window.
public class Assignment2App extends Object

    public static void main(String[] argStrings) throws Exception
        //Giving the boolean variable called 'exitApp' a value of 'false'
        boolean exitApp = false;

        //Enabling the scanner to read keyboard input
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

        //Start of the do loop
            //Print out to the command window the name of the program including blank lines to make the program easier to read
            System.out.println("NAME - Programming Assignment 2 - Programming Portfolio");

            System.out.println("0 - Exit");
            System.out.println("1 - Execute Enhanced For Loop");
            System.out.println("2 - Execute For Loop");
            System.out.println("3 - Execute Do While Loop");
            System.out.println("4 - Execute If Statement");
            System.out.println("5 - Execute Switch Statement");

            //Sends output to the command window asking the user to choose an application to execute
            System.out.print("Please choose an application to execute or press 0 to exit > ");

            //Stores the user input into an integer variable called 'choice'
            int choice = keyboard.nextInt();

                //Start of the switch statement, taking the users input 'choice' to select a case
                switch (choice)
                    //This case closes the application by changing the value of the variable called 'exitApp to 'true'
                    case 0:
                    exitApp = true;

                    //This case executes the 'EnhancedForLoop.java' main method
                    case 1:

                    //This case executes the 'ForLoop.java' main method
                    case 2:

                    //This case executes the 'DoWhileLoop.java' main method
                    case 3:

                    //This case executes the 'IfStatement.java' main method
                    case 4:

                    //This case executes the 'SwitchStatement.java' main method
                    case 5:

                    //This case is executed if the user enters an incorrect number, the user is then presented with 'Please select a number!'
                    System.out.println("Please select a number!");
          //Part of the do-while loop, this ends the application once the variable called 'exitApp' is changed to 'true'
        } while (exitApp == false);


我不知道为“方法”和“类”写什么样的东西。我已经使用 javadoc 尝试过 Java 类文档,但有人能确认它是否正确吗?

Check 如何为 Javadoc 工具编写文档注释 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html

所有选项都有很好的解释。 A评论类示例 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html#examples已经包括了。

Method描述以动词短语开始。一个方法实现了一个 操作,所以它通常以 动词词组: 获取该按钮的标签。 (首选) 该方法获取该按钮的标签。 (避免)

Class/界面/字段描述可以省略主语,简单陈述 物体。这些API经常描述 事物而不是行动或 行为: 一个按钮标签。 (首选) 该字段是一个按钮标签。 (避免)


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