vim 中项目列表的智能硬包装


我喜欢 vim,而且我真的很喜欢在写文字时将它们硬包装起来。 Tim Pope 的 markdown 插件很棒,并且构建得当我尝试硬包装项目列表时它可以正确完成工作。好吧,这就是我所说的正确完成工作的意思:

- here I write a long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters of a line and therefore should be wrapped.
- This is a short line
- here I write another long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters of a line and therefore should be wrapped.

应该变成(应用 gqap 后):

- here I write a long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters
  of a line and therefore should be wrapped.
- This is a short line
- here I write another long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters
  of a line and therefore should be wrapped.

现在,对于 tex 文件类型的文本,同一命令的行为并不那么聪明:

\item here I write a long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.
\item This is a short line
\item here I write another long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.

变成(仍然在 gqap 之后):

\begin{itemize} \item here I write a long long long line that is longer than
        the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.  \item This
        is a short line \item here I write another long long long line that is
        longer than the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.

如何使 LateX 中的项目列表的换行行为像 markdown 列表一样?

对我来说,我似乎应该重新定义语法文件,但我不知道如何(markdown 的工作方式是使用为 HTML 定义的元素)。


:set fo+=n
:let &flp='^\s*\\\w*\s*'


    \item here I write a long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.
    \item This is a short line
    \item here I write another long long long line that is longer than the 80 caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.




    \item here I write a long long long line that is longer than the 80
          caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.
    \item This is a short line
    \item here I write another long long long line that is longer than the 80
          caracters I fixed and therefore should be wrapped.

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