The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) & The Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)


The Backus-Naur Form (BNF)

The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a notation used for formal description of the syntax of programming languages. Developed by John Backus and Peter Naur in the late 1950s to early 1960s, BNF is designed to provide a clear, concise, and unambiguous way to describe the grammatical rules of languages.

Structure and Components

BNF consists of a set of production rules. A typical production rule looks like:

<non-terminal> ::= expression
  • Non-terminal: This represents an abstract syntactic structure and is usually enclosed in angle brackets < >.
  • Terminal: These are the actual symbols or tokens used in the language, such as keywords, operators, and punctuation marks.
  • Expression: Composed of terminals and/or non-terminals, this part describes how to generate or parse a specific non-terminal.

A non-terminal can be defined by multiple expressions, usually separated by a pipe | to signify alternative options. For instance:

<sentence> ::= <subject> <predicate> <object>
<subject> ::= "I" | "You" | "He"
<predicate> ::= "eat" | "drink" | "play"
<object> ::= "apple" | "water" | "ball"


BNF is widely used for the design and documentation of programming languages, data exchange formats, and protocols. It provides language designers with a precise, unambiguous method to describe language structure. It’s also commonly used in the development of compilers and interpreters.

Relation with EBNF

EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) is an extension of BNF, offering more expressive power like repetition, optional elements, and grouping.

Advantages and Limitations

  • Advantages: BNF offers a clear, precise, and systematic way to describe the syntax of languages or data formats.
  • Limitations: BNF’s expressive power is relatively limited, making it less straightforward or easy to represent some complex syntactic structures.

In summary, BNF is a critical tool for formally defining the syntax of programming languages and data structures. While it has its limitations, many of these can often be overcome by using its extended forms, such as EBNF.

The Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)

The Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) is a formal notation used to describe the syntax of programming languages, document formats, or communication protocols. It serves as a way to formally specify the grammatical rules that make up the valid sentences (or expressions) in a particular language or format. EBFN is an extension of the original Backus-Naur Form (BNF), adding a few more expressive features to make it easier to specify complex rules.

Structure and Components

EBNF grammars are typically made up of a series of production rules, written as follows:

<non-terminal> ::= expression

Here, <non-terminal> is a placeholder that stands for a class of syntactic structures, and expression defines how those structures can be formed.

The expression can be a combination of:

  • Terminals: These are the actual symbols that appear in the language. For example, specific keywords like if, else, numbers, or other literal tokens.
  • Non-terminals: These are placeholders for patterns that will be defined elsewhere in the EBNF specification.
  • Operators: EBNF includes operators for sequence (,), choice (|), optional elements ([...]), repetition ({...}), and grouping ((...)).

For example, a simple EBNF rule for a conditional statement in a hypothetical programming language might look like:

<conditional-statement> ::= 'if' '(' <expression> ')' <statement> [ 'else' <statement> ]

Extended Features

Some of the features that set EBNF apart from BNF include:

  • Optional Elements: Square brackets [...] denote optional elements.

    ["else" <statement>]
  • Repetitions: Curly brackets {...} indicate zero or more repetitions of an element.

  • Grouping: Parentheses (...) are used for grouping elements together, often to resolve ambiguities or to apply repetition/optional markers to a group.

    ('a' | 'b') 'c'
  • Comments and Annotations: Some variants of EBNF allow for comments and annotations to describe rules in a more human-readable way.


EBNF is widely used in the development of compilers and interpreters, for auto-generating code, and for validating formats. By providing a formal way to describe language syntax, it helps eliminate ambiguities that might otherwise exist when trying to describe complex syntactical rules in natural language.

In summary, EBNF is a powerful tool for formally specifying the syntax of languages, extending the capabilities of the original BNF by adding expressive constructs that make it easier to define complex grammatical rules.


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