

enter image description here Image is not showing in browser using the image tag where am i wrong? i want to add image in web and i am unable to do it using in visual code i don't know where from image to be added in the URL of image so anyone guide.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Sign up </title>
  <div class="Header">
      <a href="/" class="LogoWrapper" >
      <img src="D:\my-angular-projects\signup-form\src\image\Snap.jpg" alt="Scone O'Clock logo" />
      <p class="Strap">Scones: the most resplendent of snacks </p>

        <div class="IntroWrapper">
            <p class="IntroText">
              Occasionally maligned and misunderstood; the scone is a quintessentially British classic.
         <div class="MoneyShot">
              <img class="MoneyShotImg" src="D:\my-angular-projects\signup-form\src\image\1555932407.jpg" alt="Incredible scones" />
              <p class="ImageCaption">Incredible scones, picture from Wikipedia</p>
     <p>Recipe and serving suggestions follow.</p>
   <div class="Ingredients">
      <h3 class="SubHeader">
   <div class="HowToMake">
    <h3 class="SubHeader">Method</h3>
    <ol class="MethodWrapper">



问题是您的文件根据 html 文件所在的位置检索图像,并且不会检查整个计算机硬盘驱动器。

因此,如果您想解决问题,您基本上可以从 html 文件位置开始。因此,如果您的 html 文件位于 src 文件夹中,您的 img 标签应为

<img src="image/1555932407.jpg">

否则,如果您的 html 文件位于注册表单文件夹中,我将使用此文件

<img src="src/image/1555932407.jpg">



如何在视觉代码中使用图像它不起作用? 的相关文章
