

我在 PSQL 中得到了这个工作:

SELECT "profiles".id FROM "profiles"
INNER JOIN "integration_profiles"
ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id"
INNER JOIN "integrations"
ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id"
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'csv'
SELECT "profiles".id FROM "profiles"
INNER JOIN "integration_profiles"
ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id"
INNER JOIN "integrations"
ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id"
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'kickstarter'

我想将其转换为 ActiveRecord 查询或 Arel。


  Profile.joins(:integrations).where(integrations: { provider: 'csv' }),
  Profile.joins(:integrations).where(integrations: { provider: 'kickstarter' })

[Debug]   Profile Load (408.2ms)  SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" INNER JOIN "integration_profiles" ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'csv' (pid:65570)
 [Debug]   Profile Load (1.9ms)  SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" INNER JOIN "integration_profiles" ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'kickstarter' (pid:65570)


ps = (
    .where(integrations: { provider: 'csv' })
        .where(integrations: {provider: 'kickstarter'})
Profile.from(Profile.arel_table.create_table_alias(ps, :profiles))

有没有一种方法可以一步完成?或者一种获取方法ps输出结果,它只是输出一个 Arel 对象......

您可以加入 2 次integration_profiles 和集成,如下所示:

  .joins("INNER JOIN integration_profiles AS ip_csv ON ip_csv.profile_id = profiles.id")
  .joins("INNER JOIN integrations AS i_csv ON i_csv.id = ip_csv.integration_id")
  .joins("INNER JOIN integration_profiles AS ip_kickstarter ON ip_kickstarter.profile_id = profiles.id")
  .joins("INNER JOIN integrations AS i_kickstarter ON i_kickstarter.id = ip_kickstarter.integration_id")
  .where("i_csv.provider='csv' AND i_kickstarter.provider='kickstarter'")


class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :integration_profiles
  has_many :integrations, through: :integration_profiles

  scope :csv,         ->{joins(:integrations).where(integrations: { provider: 'csv' })}
  scope :kickstarter, ->{joins(:integrations).where(integrations: { provider: 'kickstarter' })}


Profile.csv.where(id: Profile.kickstarter.pluck(:id) ).pluck(:id)

您最终会得到 2 个查询,但这读起来要好得多。

SELECT "profiles"."id" FROM "profiles"
INNER JOIN "integration_profiles" ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" 
INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" 
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'kickstarter'

SELECT "profiles"."id" FROM "profiles"
INNER JOIN "integration_profiles" ON "integration_profiles"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" 
INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" 
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'csv' AND "profiles"."id" IN (1, 3)

如果您只需要配置文件的 ID,您可以采用另一条路径:从integration_profiles 中提取 profile_id:

class Integration < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :integration_profiles
  has_many :profiles, through: :integration_profiles

  scope :csv,         -> { where(provider: 'csv') }
  scope :kickstarter, -> { where(provider: 'kickstarter') }

class IntegrationProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :integration
  belongs_to :profile

  profile_id: IntegrationProfile.joins(:integration).kickstarter.pluck(:profile_id)

这仍然会生成 2 个查询,但这些查询更简单:

SELECT "integration_profiles"."profile_id" FROM "integration_profiles"
INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" 
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'kickstarter'

SELECT "integration_profiles"."profile_id" FROM "integration_profiles"
INNER JOIN "integrations" ON "integrations"."id" = "integration_profiles"."integration_id" 
WHERE "integrations"."provider" = 'csv' AND "integration_profiles"."profile_id" IN (1, 3)

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