一起测试 Spring asyncResult() 和 jsonPath()


我使用 Restful url 来启动长时间运行的后端进程(它通常按照 cron 计划进行,但我们希望能够手动启动它)。


@RequestMapping(value = "/trigger/{jobName}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Callable<TriggerResult> triggerJob(@PathVariable final String jobName) {

    return new Callable<TriggerResult>() {
        public TriggerResult call() throws Exception {
            // Code goes here to locate relevant job and kick it off, waiting for result
            String message = <result from my job>;
            return new TriggerResult(SUCCESS, message);


    .andExpect(jsonPath("message").value("A meaningful message appears"));


    .andExpect(request().asyncResult(jsonPath("message").value("A meaningful message appears")));

以下是我的 print() 的相关部分。在这种情况下,mockMvc 似乎无法正确解开 Json(即使它在我的浏览器中工作)?当我这样做时没有Callable我看到完整的 JSON。

     HTTP Method = GET
     Request URI = /trigger/job/xyz
      Parameters = {}
         Headers = {}

            Type = foo.bar.web.controller.TriggerJobController
          Method = public java.util.concurrent.Callable<foo.bar.myproject.web.model.TriggerResult> foo.bar.myproject.web.controller.TriggerJobController.triggerJob(java.lang.String)

 Was async started = true
      Async result = foo.bar.myproject.web.model.TriggerResult@67aa1e71

Resolved Exception:
            Type = null

       View name = null
            View = null
           Model = null


          Status = 200
   Error message = null
         Headers = {}
    Content type = null
            Body = 
   Forwarded URL = null
  Redirected URL = null
         Cookies = []

巴德的回答确实帮助我指明了正确的方向,但它并没有完全起作用,因为它没有等待异步结果。自从发布这个问题以来,spring-mvc-showcase 示例(https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-mvc-showcase https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-mvc-showcase)已更新。

似乎在调用的第一部分中,当您检索 MvcResult 时,您需要对 asyncResult() 进行断言,而在 JSON pojo 映射的情况下,您需要对实际类型本身(而不是 JSON)进行断言。所以我需要将下面的第三行添加到巴德的答案中,然后剩下的就可以了。

MvcResult mvcResult = this.mockMvc.perform(get("/trigger/job/xyz"))

    .andExpect(jsonPath("message").value("A meaningful message appears"));

Note: instanceOf() is org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf。要访问 Hamcrest 图书馆,请包括最新的hamcrest-library jar.


        <version>LATEST VERSION HERE</version>

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