


这与十二倍的方式 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelvefold_way。 “不同的”解决方案可以以十二倍的方式包括在内,而“非不同的”解决方案则不包括在内。

浏览 R* 中的组合数学片段



  1. 介绍
  2. Setup
  3. 组合
  4. 排列
  5. 多组
  6. Summary
  7. Memory

在开始之前,我们注意到组合/排列with替换所选的不同项目和非不同项目m一次是等价的。之所以如此,是因为我们什么时候有替换,它是不具体的。因此,无论特定元素最初出现多少次,输出都会有该元素的实例重复 1 到m times.



  1. gtools
  2. combinat
  3. multicool
  4. partitions
  5. RcppAlgos
  6. arrangements
  7. utils

我没有包括permute or permutations因为它们并不是真正要解决这些类型的问题。我也没有包括更新的gRbase因为某些情况下我的电脑崩溃了。


|_________________| gtools | combinat | multicool | partitions |
|       comb rep  |  Yes   |          |           |            |
|    comb NO rep  |  Yes   |   Yes    |           |            |
|       perm rep  |  Yes   |          |           |            |
|    perm NO rep  |  Yes   |   Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes     |
|  perm multiset  |        |          |    Yes    |    Yes     |
|  comb multiset  |        |          |           |            |
| accepts factors |        |   Yes    |           |            |
|    m at a time  |  Yes   |  Yes/No  |           |            |
| general vector  |  Yes   |   Yes    |    Yes    |            |
|     iterable    |        |          |    Yes    |            |
| parallelizable  |        |          |           |            |
| multi-threaded  |        |          |           |            |
|   big integer   |        |          |           |            |

|_________________| arrangements | RcppAlgos | utils |
|       comb rep  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
|    comb NO rep  |     Yes      |    Yes    |  Yes  |
|       perm rep  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
|    perm NO rep  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
|  perm multiset  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
|  comb multiset  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
| accepts factors |     Yes      |    Yes    |  Yes  |
|    m at a time  |     Yes      |    Yes    |  Yes  |
| general vector  |     Yes      |    Yes    |  Yes  |
|     iterable    |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
| parallelizable  |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
|   big integer   |     Yes      |    Yes    |       |
| multi-threaded  |              |    Yes    |       |

任务,m at a time and general vector,指的是产生结果的能力“m一次”并重新排列“通用向量”,而不是1:n。在实践中,我们通常关心的是寻找通用向量的重排,因此下面的所有检查将尽可能反映这一点。

2. Setup

所有基准测试均在 3 种不同的设置上运行。

  1. 2022 年 Macbook Air 苹果 M2 24 GB
  2. 2020 年 Macbook Pro i7 16 GB
  3. 2022 年 Windows Surface i5 16 GB
## print up to 4 digits to keep microbenchmark output tidy
options(digits = 4)
options(width = 90)

numThreads <- min(as.integer(RcppAlgos::stdThreadMax() / 2), 6)
#> [1] 4

pkgs <- c("gtools", "combinat", "multicool", "partitions",
          "RcppAlgos", "arrangements", "utils", "microbenchmark")
sapply(pkgs, packageVersion, simplify = FALSE)
#> $gtools
#> [1] '3.9.3'
#> $combinat
#> [1] '0.0.8'
#> $multicool
#> [1] '0.1.12'
#> $partitions
#> [1] '1.10.7'
#> $RcppAlgos
#> [1] '2.6.0'
#> $arrangements
#> [1] '1.1.9'
#> $utils
#> [1] '4.2.1'
#> $microbenchmark
#> [1] '1.4.7'

列出的结果是从设置 #1(即 Macbook Air M2)获得的。 Macbook Pro 上的结果类似,但在 Windows 设置中,多线程效果较差。在某些情况下,在 Windows 设置中,串行执行速度更快。我们将使用该模式调用所有函数package::function so no library需要打电话。

3. 组合


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. combinat
  3. gtools
  4. arrangements
  5. utils

How to:

tVec1 <- sort(sample(100, 20))
m <- 10
t1 <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec1, m)  ## returns matrix with m columns
t3 <- combinat::combn(tVec1, m)  ## returns matrix with m rows
t4 <- gtools::combinations(20, m, tVec1)  ## returns matrix with m columns
identical(t(t3), t4) ## must transpose to compare
#> [1] TRUE
t5 <- arrangements::combinations(tVec1, m)
identical(t1, t5)
#> [1] TRUE
t6 <- utils::combn(tVec1, m)  ## returns matrix with m rows
identical(t(t6), t4) ## must transpose to compare
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec1, m,
                                             nThreads = numThreads),
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec1, m),
    cbGtools = gtools::combinations(20, m, tVec1),
    cbCombinat = combinat::combn(tVec1, m),
    cbUtils = utils::combn(tVec1, m),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::combinations(tVec1, m),
    unit = "relative"
#> Warning in microbenchmark(cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec1, : less accurate
#> nanosecond times to avoid potential integer overflows
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr     min      lq    mean  median      uq     max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000  1.0000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer   2.712   2.599   1.280   2.497   2.477  0.2666   100
#>        cbGtools 739.325 686.803 271.623 679.894 661.560 11.7178   100
#>      cbCombinat 173.836 166.265  76.735 176.052 191.945  4.9075   100
#>         cbUtils 179.895 170.345  71.639 169.661 178.385  3.8900   100
#>  cbArrangements   2.717   2.995   1.975   2.835   2.935  0.8195   100


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. gtools
  3. arrangements

How to:

tVec2 <- sort(rnorm(12))
m  <- 9
t1 <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec2, m, repetition = TRUE)
t3 <- gtools::combinations(12, m, tVec2, repeats.allowed = TRUE)
identical(t1, t3)
#> [1] TRUE
t4 <- arrangements::combinations(tVec2, m, replace = TRUE)
identical(t1, t4)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec2, m, TRUE,
                                             nThreads = numThreads),
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec2, m, TRUE),
    cbGtools = gtools::combinations(12, m, tVec2, repeats.allowed = TRUE),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::combinations(tVec2, m, replace = TRUE),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr     min      lq     mean  median       uq     max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar   1.000   1.000   1.0000   1.000   1.0000  1.0000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer   1.987   2.382   0.9173   2.347   1.2776  0.9733   100
#>        cbGtools 670.126 517.561 103.8726 523.135 177.0940 12.0440   100
#>  cbArrangements   2.300   2.582   0.8294   2.542   0.9212  1.0089   100

4. 排列


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. gtools
  3. arrangements

How to:

tVec3 <- as.integer(c(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29))
t1 <- RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3, 6)
t3 <- gtools::permutations(10, 6, tVec3)
identical(t1, t3)
#> [1] TRUE
t4 <- arrangements::permutations(tVec3, 6)
identical(t1, t4)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3, 6,
                                               nThreads = numThreads),
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3, 6),
    cbGtools = gtools::permutations(10, 6, tVec3),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(tVec3, 6),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr     min      lq    mean  median      uq     max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000  1.0000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer   1.204   1.553   1.522   1.523   1.509  0.5722   100
#>        cbGtools 357.078 308.978 288.396 301.611 292.862 64.8564   100
#>  cbArrangements   2.356   2.361   2.183   2.292   2.224  0.4605   100


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. gtools
  3. combinat
  4. multicool
  5. arrangements

How to:

tVec3Prime <- tVec3[1:9]
## For RcppAlgos, arrangements, & gtools (see above)

t4 <- combinat::permn(tVec3Prime) ## returns a list of vectors
## convert to a matrix
t4 <- do.call(rbind, t4)
t5 <- multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(tVec3Prime)) ## returns a matrix with n columns
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3Prime,
                                               nThreads = numThreads),
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3Prime),
    cbGtools = gtools::permutations(9, 9, tVec3Prime),
    cbCombinat = combinat::permn(tVec3Prime),
    cbMulticool = multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(tVec3Prime)),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(tVec3Prime),
    times = 25,
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq    max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.0    25
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer    1.555    2.187    2.616    2.190    2.274   10.3    25
#>        cbGtools 1913.125 1850.589 1893.918 1877.707 1915.601 2124.5    25
#>      cbCombinat  508.360  512.182  562.042  532.123  595.722  715.3    25
#>     cbMulticool  103.061  103.694  128.480  118.169  127.118  208.3    25
#>  cbArrangements    3.216    3.583   13.566    3.544    3.561  139.2    25


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. gtools
  3. combinat
  4. multicool
  5. partitions
  6. arrangements

How to:

t1 <- partitions::perms(9)  ## returns an object of type 'partition' with n rows
identical(t(as.matrix(t1)), RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(9))
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(9, nThreads = numThreads),
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(9),
    cbGtools = gtools::permutations(9, 9),
    cbCombinat = combinat::permn(9),
    cbMulticool = multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(1:9)),
    cbPartitions = partitions::perms(9),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(9),
    times = 25,
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq     max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000   1.000    25
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer    1.583    2.218    2.587    2.261    2.591   1.814    25
#>        cbGtools 2010.303 1855.443 1266.853 1898.458 1903.055 217.422    25
#>      cbCombinat  511.196  515.197  392.252  533.737  652.125  86.305    25
#>     cbMulticool  108.152  103.188   80.469  108.227  120.804  23.504    25
#>    cbPartitions    6.139    6.018    7.167    5.993    6.403   9.446    25
#>  cbArrangements    4.089    3.797    3.135    3.791    3.760   1.858    25


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. gtools
  3. arrangements

How to:

t1 <- RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3, 5, repetition = TRUE)
t3 <- gtools::permutations(10, 5, tVec3, repeats.allowed = TRUE)
t4 <- arrangements::permutations(x = tVec3, k = 5, replace = TRUE)

identical(t1, t3)
#> [1] TRUE
identical(t1, t4)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(
        tVec3, 5, TRUE, nThreads = numThreads
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec3, 5, TRUE),
    cbGtools = gtools::permutations(10, 5, tVec3, repeats.allowed = TRUE),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(tVec3, 5, replace = TRUE),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr   min    lq  mean median    uq   max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar 1.000 1.000 1.000  1.000 1.000 1.000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer 1.307 1.669 1.465  1.561 1.513 1.015   100
#>        cbGtools 6.364 6.188 5.448  5.762 5.434 1.625   100
#>  cbArrangements 2.584 2.442 1.824  2.265 2.135 0.117   100


5. 多组训练


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. arrangements


myFreqs <- sample(1:5, 12, replace = TRUE)
## This is how many times each element will be repeated
tVec4 <- as.integer(c(1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233))
t1 <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec4, 12, freqs = myFreqs)
t3 <- arrangements::combinations(tVec4, 12, freq = myFreqs)
identical(t1, t3)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(
        tVec4, 12, freqs = myFreqs, nThreads = numThreads
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec4, 12, freqs = myFreqs),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::combinations(tVec4, 12, freq = myFreqs),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr   min    lq  mean median    uq    max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar 1.000 1.000 1.000  1.000 1.000 1.0000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer 3.197 3.012 2.003  2.831 2.681 0.1658   100
#>  cbArrangements 9.391 7.830 4.901  7.252 6.731 0.3140   100


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. arrangements

How to:

tVec5 <- sort(runif(5))
t1 <- RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec5, 8, freqs = rep(4, 5))
t3 <- arrangements::permutations(tVec5, 8, freq = rep(4, 5))
identical(t1, t3)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(
        tVec5, 8, freqs = rep(4, 5), nThreads = numThreads
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec5, 8, freqs = rep(4, 5)),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(tVec5, 8, freq = rep(4, 5)),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr   min    lq  mean median    uq   max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar 1.000 1.000 1.000  1.000 1.000 1.000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer 3.336 3.326 2.990  3.330 3.517 2.106   100
#>  cbArrangements 3.751 3.746 3.346  3.757 3.840 2.305   100


  1. RcppAlgos
  2. multicool
  3. partitions
  4. arrangements

How to:

tVec6 <- (1:5)^3
## For multicool, you must have the elements explicitly repeated
tVec6Prime <- rep(tVec6, times = rep(2, 5))

## for comparison
t1 <- RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec6, freqs = rep(2, 5))
t2 <- partitions::multiset(tVec6Prime)
t3 <- multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(tVec6Prime))
t4 <- arrangements::permutations(tVec6, freq = rep(2, 5))

## the package partitions, returns class of integer
## whereas RcppAlgos preserves class of tVec6 (i.e. numeric)
all.equal(t1, t(as.matrix(t2)))
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
identical(t1, t4)
#> [1] TRUE


    cbRcppAlgosPar = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(
        tVec6, freqs = rep(2, 5), nThreads = numThreads
    cbRcppAlgosSer = RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec6, freqs = rep(2, 5)),
    cbMulticool = multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(tVec6Prime)),
    cbPartitions = partitions::multiset(tVec6Prime),
    cbArrangements = arrangements::permutations(tVec6, freq = rep(2, 5)),
    unit = "relative"
#> Unit: relative
#>            expr    min     lq   mean median     uq    max neval
#>  cbRcppAlgosPar  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000 1.0000   100
#>  cbRcppAlgosSer  2.485  2.141  2.289  2.584  2.511 1.0250   100
#>     cbMulticool 80.195 66.237 45.540 64.971 66.057 3.5655   100
#>    cbPartitions  5.731  4.786  3.925  4.719  4.953 0.4558   100
#>  cbArrangements  2.999  2.907  3.270  2.966  2.906 3.1214   100


Both gtools and combinat是用于重新排列向量元素的成熟包。和gtools还有更多选项(请参阅上面的概述)以及combinat,你可以重新排列factors. With multicool,一个人能够重新排列多重集。虽然partitions就这个问题而言,它是有限的,但它是一个强大的功能,包含处理整数分区的高效函数。


  1. 输出按字典顺序排列。
  2. 允许用户通过指定格式layout参数(“行:行优先”、“列:列优先”和“列表:列表”)。
  3. 提供便捷的方法,例如collect & getnext使用迭代器时。
  4. 允许生成超过2^31 - 1组合/排列通过getnext. N.B. RcppAlgos (via nextItem) and multicool (via nextPerm)也有能力做到这一点。
  5. GMP 支持允许探索载体的组合/排列并产生多种结果。


icomb <- arrangements::icombinations(1000, 7)
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

icomb$getnext(d = 5)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    8
#> [2,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    9
#> [3,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   10
#> [4,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   11
#> [5,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   12

当您只需要一些组合/排列时,此功能非常好。使用传统方法,您必须生成所有组合/排列,然后生成子集。这将使前面的示例变得不可能,因为有多个10^17结果(即ncombinations(1000, 7, bigz = TRUE)= 194280608456793000)。



  1. 输出按字典顺序排列。
  2. 有一些方便的约束特征,我们不会在这里讨论,因为它们与这个问题无关。我只会指出,利用这些功能可以解决的问题类型是创建这个包的动机(分区、子集和等)。
  3. GMP 支持允许探索载体的组合/排列并产生多种结果。
  4. 使用并行产生结果Parallel or nThreads论据。
  5. 如同combn,有一个FUN将函数应用于每个结果的参数(另请参阅FUN.VALUE).
  6. Provides flexible and merory efficient iterators that allow for bidirectional iteration as well as random access.
    • nextItem|nextNIter|nextRemaining: 检索next词典结果
    • prevItem|prevNIter|prevRemaining: 检索previous词典结果
    • front|back|[[:随机访问方法
    • 允许轻松生成超过2^31 - 1任何起点的结果。


iter <- RcppAlgos::comboIter(1000, 7)

# first combinations
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

# next 5 combinations
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    8
#> [2,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    9
#> [3,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   10
#> [4,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   11
#> [5,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   12

# from the current state, the previous combination
#> [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6 11

# the last combination
#> [1]  994  995  996  997  998  999 1000

# the 5th combination
#> [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6 11

# you can even pass a vector of indices
iter[[c(1, 3, 5)]]
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
#> [2,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    9
#> [3,]    1    2    3    4    5    6   11

# start iterating from any index
iter[[gmp::pow.bigz(2, 31)]]
#> [1]   1   2   3  17 138 928 954

# get useful info about the current state
#> $description
#> [1] "Combinations of 1000 choose 7"
#> $currentIndex
#> Big Integer ('bigz') :
#> [1] 2147483648
#> $totalResults
#> Big Integer ('bigz') :
#> [1] 194280608456793000
#> $totalRemaining
#> Big Integer ('bigz') :
#> [1] 194280606309309352

## get next ieteration
#> [1]   1   2   3  17 138 928 955

如果您想知道每个包的扩展方式,我将为您提供最后一个示例,用于衡量速度RcppAlgosarrangements包可以生成超过 1 亿个结果。笔记,gtools::combinations此处省略,因为它会抛出错误:evaluation nested too deeply...。我们也省略了combn因为它需要相当长的时间来执行。奇怪的是,两者之间的内存使用差异utils::combn and combinat::combn考虑到它们只是略有不同,这是相当奇怪的(参见?utils::combn在“作者”部分下)。


tVec7 <- sort(sample(10^7, 10^3))

## 166,167,000 Combinations
system.time(RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec7, 3))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.386   0.105   0.490
system.time(arrangements::combinations(x = tVec7, k = 3))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.439   0.105   0.545

## 124,251,000 Permuations
system.time(RcppAlgos::permuteGeneral(tVec7[1:500], 3))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.141   0.076   0.218
system.time(arrangements::permutations(x = tVec7[1:500], k = 3))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.386   0.077   0.463

7. 记忆

执行时comboGeneralarrangements::combinations,调用前内存会跳近2Gbsgc。这似乎是正确的#rows * #nols * bytesPerCell / 2^30 bytes = choose(1000,3) * 3 * 4 / 2^30 bytes = (166167000 * 3 * 4)/2^30 = 1.857 Gbs)。但是,执行时combn,内存行为不稳定(例如,有时它会使用全部 16 Gb 内存,而其他时候它只会激增几 Gb)。当我在 Windows 设置上对此进行测试时,它经常会崩溃。


Rprof("RcppAlgos.out", memory.profiling = TRUE)
t1 <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(tVec7, 3)
head(summaryRprof("RcppAlgos.out", memory = "both")$by.total, n = 1)
#>                           total.time total.pct mem.total self.time self.pct
#> "RcppAlgos::comboGeneral"       0.42       100      1902      0.42      100

Rprof("arrangements.out", memory.profiling = TRUE)
t3 <- arrangements::combinations(tVec7, 3)
head(summaryRprof("arrangements.out", memory = "both")$by.total, n = 1)
#>                              total.time total.pct mem.total self.time self.pct
#> "arrangements::combinations"        0.5       100      1902       0.5      100

With RcppAlgos & arrangements, mem.total注册刚刚结束1900 Mb.


tVec7Prime <- tVec7[1:300]

Rprof("combinat.out", memory.profiling = TRUE)
t3 <- combinat::combn(tVec7Prime, 3)
head(summaryRprof("combinat.out", memory = "both")$by.total, n = 1)
#>                   total.time total.pct mem.total self.time self.pct
#> "combinat::combn"        2.1       100      1055      1.98    94.29

Rprof("utils.out", memory.profiling = TRUE)
t4 <- utils::combn(tVec7Prime, 3)
head(summaryRprof("utils.out", memory = "both")$by.total, n = 1)
#>                total.time total.pct mem.total self.time self.pct
#> "utils::combn"        1.6       100      2059       1.6      100

Rprof("gtools.out", memory.profiling = TRUE)
t5 <- gtools::combinations(300, 3, tVec7Prime)
head(summaryRprof("gtools.out", memory = "both")$by.total, n = 1)
#>         total.time total.pct mem.total self.time self.pct
#> "rbind"       1.62       100      6659      1.46    90.12

有趣的是,utils::combn and combinat::combn使用不同数量的内存并花费不同的时间来执行。这不适用于较小的向量:

microbenchmark(combinat::combn(2:13, 6), utils::combn(2:13, 6))
#> Unit: microseconds
#>                      expr   min    lq  mean median    uq   max neval
#>  combinat::combn(2:13, 6) 313.4 326.7 329.4  328.1 330.4 370.6   100
#>     utils::combn(2:13, 6) 378.3 393.1 397.0  395.2 399.2 451.2   100

gtools使用的总内存略多于 3 倍utils。应该注意的是,对于这 3 个包,我每次运行它们时都会得到不同的结果(例如combinat::combn有时我会得到 9000 Mb,然后我会得到 13000 Mb)。

仍然无人可比RcppAlgos OR arrangements。在上面的示例中运行时,两者仅使用 51 Mb。

基准测试脚本:https://github.com/jwood000/RcppAlgos/blob/main/scripts/SO_Comb_Perm_in_R.R https://github.com/jwood000/RcppAlgos/blob/main/scripts/SO_Comb_Perm_in_R.R

*: An homage to A Walk through Combinatorics by Miklós Bóna


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