不同 int 类型的运算


我有一个使用多种不同 int 类型的程序。



做这样的事情安全吗?我必须投射int to uint64_t在我可以对其进行操作之前?




您的编译器将负责转换。唯一需要担心的是溢出 - 如果您将结果存储在比输入小的容器中。

您需要的 Google 搜索词是“隐式类型转换” - 请参阅示例http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/ratdevz/v8r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.tpf.toolkit.compilers.doc%2Fref%2Flangref_os390%2Fcbclr21011.htm http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/ratdevz/v8r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.tpf.toolkit.compilers.doc%2Fref%2Flangref_os390%2Fcbclr21011.htm



Operand Type                                  Conversion
One operand has long double type             | The other operand is converted to long double type.
One operand has double type                  | The other operand is converted to double.
One operand has float type                   | The other operand is converted to float.
One operand has unsigned long long int type  | The other operand is converted to unsigned long long int.
One operand has long long int type           | The other operand is converted to long long int.
One operand has unsigned long int type       | The other operand is converted to unsigned long int.
One operand has unsigned int type            |
and the other operand has long int type      |
and the value of the unsigned int can be     |
 represented in a long int                   | The operand with unsigned int type is converted to long int.
One operand has unsigned int type            |
and the other operand has long int type      |
and the value of the unsigned int cannot be  |
represented in a long int                    | Both operands are converted to unsigned long int
One operand has long int type                | The other operand is converted to long int.
One operand has unsigned int type            | The other operand is converted to unsigned int.
Both operands have int type                  | The result is type int.

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