



生成ScanContext的函数其实在上一篇已经提及了,即void mapOptimization::saveKeyFramesAndFactor() 函数中有一个scManager.makeAndSaveScancontextAndKeys(*thisRawCloudKeyFrame);


void SCManager::makeAndSaveScancontextAndKeys(pcl::PointCloud<SCPointType> &_scan_down) {
        // jin: 行为ring,列为sector,生成ScanContext
        // jin: make separate concentric rings
        Eigen::MatrixXd sc = makeScancontext(_scan_down); // v1
        // jin: 取一个ring的均值
        // jin: create keys from concentric rings
        Eigen::MatrixXd ringkey = makeRingkeyFromScancontext(sc);
        // jin: 取同心扇形区域的均值
        // jin: create keys from sectors
        Eigen::MatrixXd sectorkey = makeSectorkeyFromScancontext(sc);
        std::vector<float> polarcontext_invkey_vec = eig2stdvec(ringkey);


        // cout <<polarcontext_vkeys_.size() << endl;




std::thread loopthread(&lego_loam::mapOptimization::loopClosureThread, &MO);

void mapOptimization::loopClosureThread() {
        if (loopClosureEnableFlag == false)

        ros::Rate rate(1);
        while (ros::ok()) {
    } // loopClosureThread


void mapOptimization::performLoopClosure(void) {
        if (cloudKeyPoses3D->points.empty() == true)

        // jin: detect
        // try to find close key frame if there are any
        if (potentialLoopFlag == false) {
            // 分别根据距离和SCANCONTEXT信息查找回环帧,回环信息保存在成员变量中,包括回环帧的ID,点云,偏航角等
            if (detectLoopClosure() == true) {
                std::cout << std::endl;
                potentialLoopFlag = true; // find some key frames that is old enough or close enough for loop closure
                timeSaveFirstCurrentScanForLoopClosure = timeLaserOdometry;
            if (potentialLoopFlag == false) {// jin: ScanContext未能找到可以形成回环的关键帧

        // reset the flag first no matter icp successes or not
        potentialLoopFlag = false;

        // 如果当前关键帧与历史关键帧确实形成了回环,开始进行优化
        // *****
        // Main
        // *****
        // make common variables at forward
        float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw;
        Eigen::Affine3f correctionCameraFrame;
        float noiseScore = 0.5; // constant is ok...
        gtsam::Vector Vector6(6);
        Vector6 << noiseScore, noiseScore, noiseScore, noiseScore, noiseScore, noiseScore;
        constraintNoise = noiseModel::Diagonal::Variances(Vector6);
        robustNoiseModel = gtsam::noiseModel::Robust::Create(
                gtsam::noiseModel::mEstimator::Cauchy::Create(1), // optional: replacing Cauchy by DCS or GemanMcClure
        ); // - checked it works. but with robust kernel, map modification may be delayed (i.e,. requires more true-positive loop factors)

        bool isValidRSloopFactor = false;
        bool isValidSCloopFactor = false;

         * 1. RS loop factor (radius search)
         * 将RS检测到的历史帧和当前帧匹配,求transform, 作为约束边
        if (RSclosestHistoryFrameID != -1) {
            pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointType, PointType> icp;

            // Align clouds
            pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr unused_result(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
            // 上面比较的两个点云都已经被投影到了世界坐标系下,所以匹配的结果应该是这段时间内,原点所发生的漂移

            //  通过score阈值判定icp是否匹配成功
            std::cout << "[RS] ICP fit score: " << icp.getFitnessScore() << std::endl;
            if (icp.hasConverged() == false || icp.getFitnessScore() > historyKeyframeFitnessScore) {
                std::cout << "[RS] Reject this loop (bad icp fit score, > " << historyKeyframeFitnessScore << ")"
                          << std::endl;
                isValidRSloopFactor = false;
            } else {
                std::cout << "[RS] The detected loop factor is added between Current [ " << latestFrameIDLoopCloure
                          << " ] and RS nearest [ " << RSclosestHistoryFrameID << " ]" << std::endl;
                isValidRSloopFactor = true;

            // jin: 最新帧与回环帧前后一定时间范围内的点组成的地图进行匹配,得到的坐标变换为最新帧与回环帧之间的约束
            // 因为作为地图的帧在回环帧前后很小的范围内,位姿变化很小,可以认为他们之间的相对位姿很准,地图也很准
            //  这里RS检测成功,加入约束边
            if (isValidRSloopFactor == true) {
                correctionCameraFrame = icp.getFinalTransformation(); // get transformation in camera frame (because points are in camera frame)
                pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(correctionCameraFrame, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw);
                Eigen::Affine3f correctionLidarFrame = pcl::getTransformation(z, x, y, yaw, roll, pitch);
                //  transform from world origin to wrong pose
                // 最新关键帧在地图坐标系中的坐标,在过程中会存在误差的积累,否则匹配的结果必然是E
                // 这种误差可以被解释为地图原点发生了漂移
                Eigen::Affine3f tWrong = pclPointToAffine3fCameraToLidar(
                //  transform from world origin to corrected pose
                // 地图原点的漂移×在漂移后的地图中的坐标=没有漂移的坐标,即在回环上的关键帧时刻其应该所处的位姿
                // 这样就把当前帧的位姿转移到了回环关键帧所在时刻,没有漂移的情况下的位姿,两者再求解相对位姿
                /// 感觉以上很复杂,一开始完全没有把点云往世界坐标系投影啊!直接匹配不就是相对位姿么?
                Eigen::Affine3f tCorrect =
                        correctionLidarFrame * tWrong; // pre-multiplying -> successive rotation about a fixed frame
                pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(tCorrect, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw);
                gtsam::Pose3 poseFrom = Pose3(Rot3::RzRyRx(roll, pitch, yaw), Point3(x, y, z));
                gtsam::Pose3 poseTo = pclPointTogtsamPose3(cloudKeyPoses6D->points[RSclosestHistoryFrameID]);
                gtsam::Vector Vector6(6);

                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
                        BetweenFactor<Pose3>(latestFrameIDLoopCloure, RSclosestHistoryFrameID, poseFrom.between(poseTo),

//        /*
//         * 2. SC loop factor (scan context)
//         * SC检测成功,进行icp匹配
//         */
//        if (SCclosestHistoryFrameID != -1) {
//            pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointType, PointType> icp;
//            icp.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance(100);
//            icp.setMaximumIterations(100);
//            icp.setTransformationEpsilon(1e-6);
//            icp.setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon(1e-6);
//            icp.setRANSACIterations(0);
//            // Align clouds
//            // Eigen::Affine3f icpInitialMatFoo = pcl::getTransformation(0, 0, 0, yawDiffRad, 0, 0); // because within cam coord: (z, x, y, yaw, roll, pitch)
//            // Eigen::Matrix4f icpInitialMat = icpInitialMatFoo.matrix();
//            icp.setInputSource(SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud);
//            icp.setInputTarget(SCnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloudDS);
//            pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr unused_result(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
//            icp.align(*unused_result);
//            // icp.align(*unused_result, icpInitialMat); // PCL icp non-eye initial is bad ... don't use (LeGO LOAM author also said pcl transform is weird.)
//            std::cout << "[SC] ICP fit score: " << icp.getFitnessScore() << std::endl;
//            if (icp.hasConverged() == false || icp.getFitnessScore() > historyKeyframeFitnessScore) {
//                std::cout << "[SC] Reject this loop (bad icp fit score, > " << historyKeyframeFitnessScore << ")"
//                          << std::endl;
//                isValidSCloopFactor = false;
//            } else {
//                std::cout << "[SC] The detected loop factor is added between Current [ " << latestFrameIDLoopCloure
//                          << " ] and SC nearest [ " << SCclosestHistoryFrameID << " ]" << std::endl;
//                isValidSCloopFactor = true;
//            }
//            // icp匹配成功也加入约束边
//            if (isValidSCloopFactor == true) {
//                correctionCameraFrame = icp.getFinalTransformation(); // get transformation in camera frame (because points are in camera frame)
//                pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(correctionCameraFrame, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw);
//                gtsam::Pose3 poseFrom = Pose3(Rot3::RzRyRx(roll, pitch, yaw), Point3(x, y, z));
//                gtsam::Pose3 poseTo = Pose3(Rot3::RzRyRx(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
//                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
//                // gtSAMgraph.add(BetweenFactor<Pose3>(latestFrameIDLoopCloure, closestHistoryFrameID, poseFrom.between(poseTo), constraintNoise)); // original
//                gtSAMgraph.add(
//                        BetweenFactor<Pose3>(latestFrameIDLoopCloure, SCclosestHistoryFrameID, poseFrom.between(poseTo),
//                                             robustNoiseModel)); // giseop
//                isam->update(gtSAMgraph);
//                isam->update();
//                gtSAMgraph.resize(0);
//            }
//        }

        // just for visualization
        // // publish corrected cloud
//         if (pubIcpKeyFrames.getNumSubscribers() != 0){
//             pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr closed_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
//             pcl::transformPointCloud (*latestSurfKeyFrameCloud, *closed_cloud, icp.getFinalTransformation());
//             sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloudMsgTemp;
//             pcl::toROSMsg(*closed_cloud, cloudMsgTemp);
//             cloudMsgTemp.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
//             cloudMsgTemp.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
//             pubIcpKeyFrames.publish(cloudMsgTemp);
//         }

        // flagging
        aLoopIsClosed = true;// jin: 在correctPoses中会导致对后端保存的pose位姿进行修改

    } // performLoopClosure


**首先detectLoopClosure() 找到回环信息,并保存在成员变量中,然后根据形成回环的帧的点云进行匹配建立当前最新关键帧与历史关键帧之间的约束,添加到gtsam进行图优化。**有个小细节是gtsam并没有立即根据优化后的位姿修改关键帧的位姿cloudKeyPoses3D,优化的最后只是对标志位aLoopIsClosed进行了修改,这个标志位的作用体现在主线程调用correctPoses()时将gtsam对位姿的优化同步出来。


// jin: 检测与最新帧可以形成回环的关键帧,两种方法:
// 1/ 根据几何距离,在一定半径范围内,30s以上,最早的那个帧
// 2/ ScanContext,确定相似度最高的关键帧
bool mapOptimization::detectLoopClosure() {

std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);// 和void mapOptimization::run()不同时进行

 * 邻域搜索闭环
 * 1. xyz distance-based radius search (contained in the original LeGO LOAM code)
 * - for fine-stichting trajectories (for not-recognized nodes within scan context search)
// jin: 基于目前位姿,在一定范围内(20m)内搜索最近邻,若最早的那个超过了30s,则选中为回环目标
// 选取前后25帧组成点云,并保存当前最近一帧点云
RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud->clear();// 当前关键帧
RSnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud->clear();// 尝试进行回环的关键帧前后一定范围帧组成的点云
RSnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloudDS->clear();// 上面的降采样

// find the closest history key frame
std::vector<int> pointSearchIndLoop;  //  搜索完的邻域点对应的索引
std::vector<float> pointSearchSqDisLoop;  //  搜索完的邻域点与当前点的欧氏距离
// 用当前的所有关键帧生成树
// currentRobotPosPoint为最新一帧关键帧的位姿
//  0:返回的邻域个数,为0表示返回全部的邻域点
kdtreeHistoryKeyPoses->radiusSearch(currentRobotPosPoint, historyKeyframeSearchRadius, pointSearchIndLoop,
                                    pointSearchSqDisLoop, 0);

// jin: 选取最近邻中,时间距离30s以上,最早的那帧
RSclosestHistoryFrameID = -1;
int curMinID = 1000000;
// policy: take Oldest one (to fix error of the whole trajectory)
for (int i = 0; i < pointSearchIndLoop.size(); ++i) {
    int id = pointSearchIndLoop[i];
    //  时间差值大于30s, 认为是闭环
    if (abs(cloudKeyPoses6D->points[id].time - timeLaserOdometry) > 30.0) {
        // RSclosestHistoryFrameID = id;
        // break;
        if (id < curMinID) {
            curMinID = id;
            RSclosestHistoryFrameID = curMinID;
if (RSclosestHistoryFrameID == -1) {
    // Do nothing here
    // then, do the next check: Scan context-based search
    // not return false here;
} else {
    // jin: 回环检测的进程是单独进行的,因此这里需要确定最新帧
    //  检测到回环了会保存四种点云
    // save latest key frames
    latestFrameIDLoopCloure = cloudKeyPoses3D->points.size() - 1;
    // jin: 根据当前的位姿,对点云进行旋转和平移
    // 点云的xyz坐标进行坐标系变换(分别绕xyz轴旋转)
    *RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(cornerCloudKeyFrames[latestFrameIDLoopCloure],
    *RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(surfCloudKeyFrames[latestFrameIDLoopCloure],
    // latestSurfKeyFrameCloud中存储的是下面公式计算后的index(intensity):
    // thisPoint.intensity = (float)rowIdn + (float)columnIdn / 10000.0;
    // 滤掉latestSurfKeyFrameCloud中index<0的点??? index值会小于0?
    pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr RShahaCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
    int cloudSize = RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud->points.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < cloudSize; ++i) {
        if ((int) RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud->points[i].intensity >= 0) {
    *RSlatestSurfKeyFrameCloud = *RShahaCloud;

    // jin: 保存一定范围内最早的那帧前后25帧的点,并在对应位姿处投影后进行合并
    // save history near key frames
    // historyKeyframeSearchNum在utility.h中定义为25,前后25个点进行变换
    for (int j = -historyKeyframeSearchNum; j <= historyKeyframeSearchNum; ++j) {
        if (RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j < 0 || RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j > latestFrameIDLoopCloure)
        // 要求closestHistoryFrameID + j在0到cloudKeyPoses3D->points.size()-1之间,不能超过索引
        *RSnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(
                cornerCloudKeyFrames[RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j],
                &cloudKeyPoses6D->points[RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j]);
        *RSnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(surfCloudKeyFrames[RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j],
                                                                        RSclosestHistoryFrameID + j]);
    //  下采样

 * 2. Scan context-based global localization

// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
latestFrameIDLoopCloure = cloudKeyPoses3D->points.size() - 1;
SCclosestHistoryFrameID = -1; // init with -1

// jin: 这是最重要的部分,根据ScanContext确定回环的关键帧,返回的是关键帧的ID,和yaw角的偏移量
auto detectResult = scManager.detectLoopClosureID(); // first: nn index, second: yaw diff
SCclosestHistoryFrameID = detectResult.first;
yawDiffRad = detectResult.second; // not use for v1 (because pcl icp withi initial somthing wrong...)

// if all close, reject
if (SCclosestHistoryFrameID == -1) {
    return false;

// 以下,如果SC检测到了回环,保存回环上的帧前后25帧和当前帧,过程与上面完全一样
// save latest key frames: query ptcloud (corner points + surface points)
// NOTE: using "closestHistoryFrameID" to make same root of submap points to get a direct relative between
// the query point cloud (latestSurfKeyFrameCloud) and the map (nearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud). by giseop
// i.e., set the query point cloud within mapside's local coordinate
// jin: 将最新一帧激光点在回环位姿处进行投影???
*SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(cornerCloudKeyFrames[latestFrameIDLoopCloure],
*SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(surfCloudKeyFrames[latestFrameIDLoopCloure],

pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr SChahaCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
int cloudSize = SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud->points.size();
for (int i = 0; i < cloudSize; ++i) {
    if ((int) SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud->points[i].intensity >= 0) {
*SClatestSurfKeyFrameCloud = *SChahaCloud;

// jin: ScanContext确定的回环关键帧,前后一段范围内的点组成点云地图
// save history near key frames: map ptcloud (icp to query ptcloud)
for (int j = -historyKeyframeSearchNum; j <= historyKeyframeSearchNum; ++j) {
    if (SCclosestHistoryFrameID + j < 0 || SCclosestHistoryFrameID + j > latestFrameIDLoopCloure)
    *SCnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(cornerCloudKeyFrames[SCclosestHistoryFrameID + j],
                                                            &cloudKeyPoses6D->points[SCclosestHistoryFrameID +
    *SCnearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloud += *transformPointCloud(surfCloudKeyFrames[SCclosestHistoryFrameID + j],
                                                            &cloudKeyPoses6D->points[SCclosestHistoryFrameID +

// // optional: publish history near key frames
// if (pubHistoryKeyFrames.getNumSubscribers() != 0){
//     sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloudMsgTemp;
//     pcl::toROSMsg(*nearHistorySurfKeyFrameCloudDS, cloudMsgTemp);
//     cloudMsgTemp.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
//     cloudMsgTemp.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
//     pubHistoryKeyFrames.publish(cloudMsgTemp);
// }

return true;

} // detectLoopClosure

1: //根据距离(RangeSearch)
2: //根据ScanContext



// jin: 根据ScanContext确定回环的关键帧
// 先根据ring key向量,在kd-tree中搜索出多个位置相似的关键帧
// 然后对每个ScanContext列偏移多次,计算最好的列偏移及对应的距离,计算匹配度最好的关键帧的ID及其列偏移量
// 其中,为了加快对列偏移计算,用到了SectorKey先确定一个粗略的初始值
std::pair<int, float> SCManager::detectLoopClosureID(void) {
int loop_id{-1}; // init with -1, -1 means no loop (== LeGO-LOAM’s variable “closestHistoryFrameID”)
// jin: 最新一帧的ring key
auto curr_key = polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.back(); // current observation (query) 容器末尾元素
// jin: 最新一帧的Scan Context
auto curr_desc = polarcontexts_.back(); // current observation (query)

 * step 1: candidates from ringkey tree_
// jin: 之所以使用ring key是因为,ring代表了一周,即便角度相差很大对应ring的key(均值)也相差不大
// 因而,可以起到筛选处距离不会太远的关键帧的作用(圆环之间的相似度很高)
if (polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.size() < NUM_EXCLUDE_RECENT + 1) {
    std::pair<int, float> result{loop_id, 0.0};
    return result; // Early return

// 每间隔一定帧数才重新确定一次最近邻
// tree_ reconstruction (not mandatory to make everytime)
if (tree_making_period_conter % TREE_MAKING_PERIOD_ == 0) // to save computation cost
    TicToc t_tree_construction;

                                           polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.end() - NUM_EXCLUDE_RECENT);// 最近一定范围内的不参加搜索吧
    // jin: 搜索树
    /// 使用std::vector中的元素创建的TREE,方便搜索向量的最近邻
    polarcontext_tree_ = std::make_unique<InvKeyTree>(PC_NUM_RING /* dim */, polarcontext_invkeys_to_search_,
                                                      10 /* max leaf */ );
    // tree_ptr_->index->buildIndex(); // inernally called in the constructor of InvKeyTree (for detail, refer the nanoflann and KDtreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor)
    t_tree_construction.toc("Tree construction");
tree_making_period_conter = tree_making_period_conter + 1;

double min_dist = 10000000; // init with somthing large
int nn_align = 0;
int nn_idx = 0;

// jin: 结果保存在这里
// knn search
std::vector<size_t> candidate_indexes(NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE);
std::vector<float> out_dists_sqr(NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE);

TicToc t_tree_search;
nanoflann::KNNResultSet<float> knnsearch_result(NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE);
knnsearch_result.init(&candidate_indexes[0], &out_dists_sqr[0]);
polarcontext_tree_->index->findNeighbors(knnsearch_result, &curr_key[0] /* query */,
t_tree_search.toc("Tree search");

 *  step 2: pairwise distance (find optimal columnwise best-fit using cosine distance)
// jin: 对上一步筛选出来的所有位姿,计算不同列偏移下的最好匹配度
TicToc t_calc_dist;
for (int candidate_iter_idx = 0; candidate_iter_idx < NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE; candidate_iter_idx++) {
    // jin: 候选帧的ScanContext
    MatrixXd polarcontext_candidate = polarcontexts_[candidate_indexes[candidate_iter_idx]];
    // jin: 这里也是一个重点
    // 根据不同列偏移,计算两帧之间匹配程度,返回的是最小差距和最好的偏移,这表征着两个ScanContext最终的差异
    std::pair<double, int> sc_dist_result = distanceBtnScanContext(curr_desc, polarcontext_candidate);

    double candidate_dist = sc_dist_result.first;
    int candidate_align = sc_dist_result.second;

    if (candidate_dist < min_dist) {
        min_dist = candidate_dist;// 最好帧的距离
        nn_align = candidate_align;// 最好帧的最好角度偏移量

        nn_idx = candidate_indexes[candidate_iter_idx];// 最好帧的索引
t_calc_dist.toc("Distance calc");

 * loop threshold check
// 如果某帧经过最优偏移后的距离足够小
if (min_dist < SC_DIST_THRES) {
    loop_id = nn_idx;

    // std::cout.precision(3);
    cout << "[Loop found] Nearest distance: " << min_dist << " btn " << polarcontexts_.size() - 1 << " and "
         << nn_idx << "." << endl;
    cout << "[Loop found] yaw diff: " << nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE << " deg." << endl;
} else {
    cout << "[Not loop] Nearest distance: " << min_dist << " btn " << polarcontexts_.size() - 1 << " and "
         << nn_idx
         << "." << endl;
    cout << "[Not loop] yaw diff: " << nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE << " deg." << endl;

// To do: return also nn_align (i.e., yaw diff)
float yaw_diff_rad = deg2rad(nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE);
std::pair<int, float> result{loop_id, yaw_diff_rad};// jin: 返回匹配最优的KeyFrame的ID和计算出来的角度差

return result;

} // SCManager::detectLoopClosureID

这里先将所有关键帧的ring key信息生成一个tree,然后在树中搜索一定数量的最近邻。可以想想一下为什么是ring key以及ring key为什么可以。对于位置和姿态都未知的历史关键帧,如果其角度与当前帧角度存在较大差异,那么点云差别会非常大,这是由于雷达扫描机理造成的,而径向即便存在比较大的差距点云的相似度也会非常大。所以,如果某个历史关键帧位置比较接近,但是角度相差很大,那么ring的相似度依然会很高,这样就在不知道角度偏差的情况下,鲁棒的检测到相似帧。

但是仅仅如此还是不够的,很有可能错误检测到回环,而且不知道初始的角度差别, ICP也没法计算约束,因此还需要进一步估算方向的偏差,并从所有的候选相似帧中选出一个最优的。







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  • SC-Lego-LOAM解析(下)

    回环检测是一个相对独立的模块 xff0c 这里再开一篇专门说明 前面两篇已经说过 xff0c 先对点云做了预处理 xff0c 然后进行连续帧之间的匹配即激光odom xff0c 然后是scan to map匹配 xff0c 并保存关键帧的位