Windows10 下C/C++网络编程基本:socket实现tcp的例子







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Ws2tcpip.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib") 

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 60
#define FILENAME "setting.txt"
#define OUTPUTFILENAME "output.txt"

class testServer

	bool loadSocketLib(void);
	bool readSocketParam(std::string fileName);
	bool listenClient(void);
	bool disconnectListen(void);
	bool receiveData(void);
	bool outputDataProcessing(void);
	bool writeFile(std::string outPutFileName);

	SOCKET  s_socket_fd;
	SOCKET new_socket_fd;
	std::string ipAddr;
	uint16_t portNum;
	char r_buf[SIZE];
	std::string oustr;




#include "test_server.h"

 *  @brief Contructor
	s_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
	new_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
	ipAddr = "";
	portNum = 0;
	memset(r_buf, 0, (size_t)SIZE);
	oustr = "";


 *  @brief Destructor
testServer::~testServer(void) {}

 *  @brief Start SOCKET library
 *  @return[in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::loadSocketLib(void)
	WSADATA wsaData;
	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) 
		cout << "startSOCKETlib error : error = start Socket lib failure" << endl;
		return false;
	return true;

 *  @brief read setting file(load socket param)
 *  @param [in] FileName
 *  @return[in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::readSocketParam(std::string FileName)
	ifstream input(FileName.c_str());
	std::string line;
	std::vector<string> IPinfo;

	if (!input)
		ipAddr = "";
		portNum = 0;
		cout << "load file error : error = no such file" << endl;
		return false;
		while (getline(input, line))
		if (IPinfo[0].empty()|| IPinfo[1].empty())
			cout << "read parameter error : error =  Parameter setting error" << endl;
			return false;
		ipAddr = IPinfo[0];
		portNum = static_cast<uint16_t>(std::stol(IPinfo[1]));
		if (portNum > 1023 && portNum < 65536)
			cout << "[load IPaddrs]:" << ipAddr << endl;
			cout << "[load portNum]:" << portNum << endl;
			return true;
			cout << "read parameter error : error = invalid port number" << endl;
			return false;


 *  @brief Listen for client requests
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::listenClient(void)
	if ((s_socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
		cout << "create socket error,error = create socket  failed" << endl;
		return false;
		cout << "create socket successed " << endl;

	sockaddr_in  sAddr;
	memset(&sAddr, 0, sizeof(sAddr));
	sAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipAddr.c_str());
	sAddr.sin_port = htons(portNum);

	if (bind(s_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sAddr, sizeof(sAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
		cout << "bind socket error,errno= bind socket failed" << endl;
		return false;
		cout << "bind socket successed " << endl;

	if (listen(s_socket_fd, 2) == SOCKET_ERROR)
		cout << "listen socket error,errno = listen socket failed"<< endl;
		return false;
		cout << "======= start listen =======" << endl;
	return true;

 *  @brief disconnect listen
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::disconnectListen(void)
	if (closesocket(new_socket_fd) != INVALID_SOCKET)
		new_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;

	if (closesocket(s_socket_fd) != INVALID_SOCKET)
		s_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
		cout << "Listen disconnected" << endl;
		return true;
		cout << "disconnect Listen error,errno = close socket failed" << endl;
		return false;

bool testServer::receiveData(void)
	sockaddr_in cAddr;
	socklen_t clen = sizeof(cAddr);
	memset(r_buf, 0, (size_t)SIZE);

	cout << "listening..." << endl;
	if ((new_socket_fd = accept(s_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&cAddr, &clen)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
		cout << "accept error,errno = accept failed" << endl;
		return false;
		cout << "listened to the client" << endl;

	if (recv(new_socket_fd, r_buf, (size_t)SIZE, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
		cout << "receive failed : receive function error" << endl;
		return false;
		cout << "received data : <" << r_buf << ">" << endl;
	return true;

 *  @brief processing the data to be sent
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::outputDataProcessing(void)
	std::string times, hostName, recvData;

	// get timestamp
	time_t timep;
	char timestamp[64];
	strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&timep));
	times = timestamp;
	if (times == "")
		cout << "data processing error:[time] is empty" << endl;
		return false;

	// get host name
	char name[64];
	gethostname(name, sizeof(name));
	hostName = name;
	if (hostName == "")
		cout << "data processing error:[hostName] is empty" << endl;
		return false;

	// get recv data
	recvData = r_buf;
	if (recvData == "")
		cout << "data processing error:[recvData] is empty" << endl;
		return false;

	oustr = "<" + times + ">,<" + hostName + ">,<" + recvData + ">";
	cout << "data processing successed " << endl;
	return true;

 *  @brief write data to file
 *  @param  [in] outPutFileName
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testServer::writeFile(std::string outPutFileName)

	ofstream OutFile;, ios::app);

	if (OutFile.is_open())
		OutFile << oustr << endl;
		cout << "Data has been written to :" << outPutFileName << endl;
		return true;
		cout << "load file error : error = no such file" << endl;
		return false;

///***********************  main  **************************/
int main()
	testServer tcpServer;

	if (tcpServer.loadSocketLib())
		if (tcpServer.readSocketParam(FILENAME))
			if (tcpServer.listenClient())
				while (1)
					if (tcpServer.receiveData())
						if (tcpServer.outputDataProcessing())
				cout << " run [func: listenClient] fail" << endl;
			cout << " run [func: readSocketParam] fail" << endl;
		cout << " run [func: loadSocketLib] fail" << endl;


	return 0;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Ws2tcpip.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")  

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 60
#define FILENAME "setting.txt"
#define EXIT "exit"

class testClient

	bool loadSocketLib(void);
	bool readSocketParam(std::string FileName);
	bool connectServer(void);
	bool disconnect(void);
	bool isConnected(void);
	bool inputData(void);
	bool wantExit(void);
	bool sendData(void);

	SOCKET c_socket_fd;
	std::string ipAddr;
	uint16_t portNum;
	std::string s_data;



#include "test_client.h"

 *  @brief Contructor
	c_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
	ipAddr = "";
	portNum = 0;
	s_data = "";

 *  @brief Destructor
testClient::~testClient(void) {}

 *  @brief Start SOCKET library
 *  @return[in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::loadSocketLib(void)
	WSADATA wsaData;
	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0)
		cout << "startSOCKETlib error : error = start Socket lib failure" << endl;
		return false;
	return true;

 *  @brief read setting file(load socket param)
 *  @param [in] FileName
 *  @return[in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::readSocketParam(std::string FileName)
	ifstream input(FileName.c_str());
	std::string line;
	std::vector<string> IPinfo;

	if (!input)
		ipAddr = "";
		portNum = 0;
		cout << "load file error : error = no such file" << endl;
		return false;
		while (getline(input, line))

		if (IPinfo[0].empty() || IPinfo[1].empty())
			cout << "read parameter error : error =  Parameter setting error" << endl;
			return false;

		ipAddr = IPinfo[0];
		portNum = static_cast<uint16_t>(std::stol(IPinfo[1]));
		if (portNum > 1023 && portNum < 65536)
			cout << "[load IPaddrs]:" << ipAddr << endl;
			cout << "[load portNum]:" << portNum << endl;
			return true;
			cout << "read parameter error : error = invlid port number" << endl;
			return false;


 *  @brief connect with TCP server
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::connectServer(void)
	if (c_socket_fd != INVALID_SOCKET)
		cout << "is connected " << endl;
		return true;

	if ((c_socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
		cout << "socket error,errno= create socket failed" << endl;
		return false;
		cout << "create socket successed " << endl;
	sockaddr_in addr;
	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipAddr.c_str());
	addr.sin_port = htons(portNum);

	if (connect(c_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0)
		cout << "connect error,errno = socket connect failed" << endl;
		return false;
	return true;

 *  @brief disconnect from TCP server
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::disconnect(void)
	if (c_socket_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
		cout << "disconnected" << endl;
		return true;

	if (closesocket(c_socket_fd) != INVALID_SOCKET)
		c_socket_fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
		cout << "disconnected" << endl;
		return true;
		cout << "disconnect error,errno = close socket failed" << endl;
		return false;

 *  @brief confirm with TCP server connection
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::isConnected(void)
	if (c_socket_fd != INVALID_SOCKET)
		return true;
		return false;

 *  @brief processing input data
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::inputData(void)
	unsigned int i;
	std::string s_data_buf = "";

	cout << "place input data..." << endl;
	if (getline(cin, s_data))
		if (s_data.length() > SIZE)
			cout << "inputData error,error = input limit exceeded" << endl;
			return false;
		for (i = 0; i < s_data.length(); i++)
			if (isascii(s_data[i]))
				s_data_buf += s_data[i];
		s_data = s_data_buf;
		return true;
		cout << "inputData error,error = Data input failed" << s_data << endl;
		return false;

 *  @brief Determine if it need to be closed
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::wantExit(void)
	if (s_data == EXIT)
		return true;
		return false;

 *  @brief send data to server
 *  @return [in] result (ture:success  false:failure)
bool testClient::sendData(void)
	if (c_socket_fd != INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (send(c_socket_fd, s_data.c_str(), s_data.length(), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
			cout << "send data failed : send function error" << endl;
			return false;
			cout << "<" << s_data << "> has been sent successfully " << endl;
			cout << "------------------------------------------- " << endl;
			s_data = "";
			return true;
		cout << "send data failed :  c_socket_fd is invalid" << endl;
		return false;


//***********************  main  **************************/
int main()
	testClient tcpclient;

	if (tcpclient.loadSocketLib())
		if (tcpclient.readSocketParam(FILENAME))
			while (1)
				if (tcpclient.connectServer())
					if (tcpclient.inputData())
						if (tcpclient.wantExit())
							cout << "stop send data" << endl;
					if (tcpclient.isConnected())
					cout << "trying to connect again..." << endl;
			cout << " run [func: readSocketParam] fail" << endl;
		cout << " run [func: loadSocketLib] fail" << endl;

	return 0;


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  • Sublime Text运行C和C++程序

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  • keilC51编译常见错误和警告说明

    如对编译出错感兴趣的网友能否把你们常遇到的错误信息收集起来并提出最终的解决办法加以归纳以期共享 xff01 1 L15 重复调用 WARNING L15 MULTIPLE CALL TO SEGMENT SEGMENT PR SPI REC
  • RS485的电路以及相关波形

    1 RS485的电路 xff0c 要注意RE引脚一般是和DE引脚接在一起的 2 差分信号AB的波形 xff0c 高电平6 2v左右 xff0c 低电平 3v 3 A点的波形 4 B点波形 5 接收RX的波形
  • Ubuntu安装cmake

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  • C/C++混淆点-strcat和strcpy区别

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  • QGC 添加电机测试功能

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