



节点可以在总线/订阅主题上发布(publish一个消息(发送数据)或者订阅(subscribe一个总线/订阅主题(接收数据) 。应用并不知道在与谁通信,1个订阅主题可以有多个发布器和订阅器。

这种设计模式阻止了锁定的问题(locking issues),在机器人领域非常常见。为了使这更为高效,通常在总线上只有一个消息,并且不会有队列。

这种发布/订阅机制由微对象请求处理器microobject request broker (uORB)实现。


这是一个简单但是完整的发布器(publisher /订阅器(subscriber)组合,发布器发布一个叫做random_integer 的订阅主题,并使用随机的整数更新订阅主题。订阅器检查并打印这些更新。


/* declare the topic */
/* define the data structure that will be published where subscribers cansee it */
struct random_integer_data{
          int r;


#include <topic.h>
 /* create topic metadata */
/* file handle that will be used for publishing */
staticint topic_handle; 
int init()
          /* generate the initial data for first publication*/
          struct random_integer_data rd={ .r= random(),};
          /* advertise the topic and make the initialpublication */
          topic_handle = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(random_integer),&rd);
int update_topic()
          /* generate a new random number forpublication */
          struct random_integer_data rd={ .r= random(),};
          /* publish the new data structure */
          orb_publish(ORB_ID(random_integer), topic_handle,&rd);


#include <topic.h>
 /* file handle that will be used forsubscribing */
staticint topic_handle;
int init()
          /* subscribe to the topic */
          topic_handle = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(random_integer));
          bool updated;
          struct random_integer_data rd; 
          /* check to see whether the topic has updatedsince the last time we read it */
                    /* make a local copy of the updated datastructure */
                    orb_copy(ORB_ID(random_integer), topic_handle,&rd);
                    printf("Random integer is now %d\n", rd.r);







  • 将订阅主题的名字作为参数的一个ORB_DECLARE() 宏实例。
  • 一个用于描述将发布数据结构的结构定义。





如果一个由软件组件发布的订阅主题是可选的,并且可能不会出现在固件中,头文件可以使用 ORB_DECLARE_OPTIONAL()宏代替。以这种方式声明的订阅主题需要由发布器进行特别的处理,但是还有一些以下需要讨论的考虑,订阅器在处理可选订阅主题时必须要注意。



 * Advertise as the publisher of atopic.
 * This performs the initialadvertisement of a topic; it creates the topic
 * node in /obj if required andwrites the initial data.
 * @param meta                 The uORB metadata (usually fromthe ORB_ID() macro)
 *                             forthe topic. topic uORB元数据(通常来自ORB_ID()宏)
 * @param data                 A pointer to the initial datato be published.指向将要publish初始数据的指针。
 *                             Fortopics published by interrupt handlers, the advertisement
 *                             mustbe performed from non-interrupt context.
 * @return           ERROR on error, otherwise returns a handle
 *                             thatcan be used to publish to the topic.
 *                             Ifthe topic in question is not known (due to an
 *                             ORB_DEFINE_OPTIONALwith no corresponding ORB_DECLARE)
 *                             thisfunction will return -1 and set errno to ENOENT.
externint          orb_advertise(conststruct orb_metadata *meta,constvoid*data);


APImeta参数是由ORB_DEFINE()宏产生的数据指针,通常使用ORB_ID() 宏提供,该宏执行从订阅主题名到元数据结构名的转换。






 * Publish new data to a topic.
 * The data is atomically publishedto the topic and any waiting subscribers
 * will be notified.  Subscribers that are not waiting can checkthe topic
 * for updates using orb_checkand/or orb_stat.
 * @handle           The handle returned from orb_advertise.
 * @param meta                 The uORB metadata (usually fromthe ORB() macro)
 *                             forthe topic.
 * @param data                 A pointer to the data to bepublished.
 * @return           OK on success, ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
externint          orb_publish(conststruct orb_metadata *meta,int handle,constvoid*data);




  •  一个ORB_DEFINE()或者ORB_DEFINE_OPTIONAL()宏(例如,在订阅器中包含的头文件)
  • 在订阅主题中发布的数据结构定义。(通常来自相同的头文件)


 * Subscribe to a topic.
 * The returned value is a filedescriptor that can be passed to poll()
 * in order to wait for updates to atopic, as well as orb_read,
 * orb_check and orb_stat.
 * Subscription will succeed even ifthe topic has not been advertised;
 * in this case the topic will havea timestamp of zero, it will never
 * signal a poll() event, checkingwill always return false and it cannot
 * be copied. When the topic issubsequently advertised, poll, check,
 * stat and copy calls will react tothe initial publication that is
 * performed as part of theadvertisement.
 * Subscription will fail if thetopic is not known to the system, i.e.
 * there is nothing in the systemthat has defined the topic and thus it
 * can never be published.
 * @param meta                 The uORB metadata (usually fromthe ORB_ID() macro)
 *                             forthe topic.
 * @return           ERROR on error, otherwise returns a handle
 *                             thatcan be used to read and check the topic for updates.
 *                             Ifthe topic in question is not known (due to an
 *                             ORB_DEFINE_OPTIONALwith no corresponding ORB_DECLARE)
 *                             thisfunction will return -1 and set errno to ENOENT.
externint          orb_subscribe(conststruct orb_metadata *meta);



 * Unsubscribe from a topic.
 * @param handle     A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
 * @return           OK on success, ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
externint          orb_unsubscribe(int handle);




 * Fetch data from a topic.
 * @param meta                 The uORB metadata (usually fromthe ORB() macro)
 *                             forthe topic.
 * @param handle     A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
 * @param buffer     Pointer to the buffer receiving the data.
 * @return           OK on success, ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
externint          orb_copy(conststruct orb_metadata *meta,int handle,void*buffer);




 * Check whether a topic has beenpublished to since the last orb_copy.
 * This check can be used todetermine whether to copy from the topic when
 * not using poll(), or to avoid theoverhead of calling poll() when the
 * topic is likely to have updated.
 * Updates are tracked on aper-handle basis; this call will continue to
 * return true until orb_copy iscalled using the same handle. This interface
 * should be preferred over callingorb_stat due to the race window between
 * stat and copy that can lead tomissed updates.
 * @param handle     A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
 * @param updated    Set to true if the topic has been publishedsince the
 *                             lasttime it was copied using this handle.
 * @return           OK if the check was successful, ERROR otherwise with
 *                             errnoset accordingly.
externint          orb_check(int handle, bool *updated);




 * Return the last time that thetopic was published.
 * @param handle     A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
 * @param time                 Returns the time that the topicwas published, or zero if it has
 *                             neverbeen published/advertised.
 * @return           OK on success, ERROR otherwise with errno set accordingly.
externint          orb_stat(int handle,uint64_t*time);



依赖于发布作为数据源的订阅器,其可以同时具有任意数量等待发布的订阅。这一功能通过使用 poll() 函数实现,与文件描述符等待数据具有相同的方式。这之所以可以工作,是因为订阅本身实际上也是文件描述符。



/* structure published to color_red, color_green, color_blue andcolor_timeouts */
struct color_update
          int number;
#include <poll.h>
ORB_DEFINE(color_timeouts,struct color_update);
          int       sub_red, sub_green, sub_blue;
          int       pub_timeouts;
          int       timeouts=0;
          struct color_update cu;
          /* subscribe to color topics */
          sub_red = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(color_red));
          sub_green = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(color_green));
          sub_blue = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(color_blue));
          /* advertise the timeout topic */
          pub_timeouts = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(color_timeouts),&cu);
          /* loop waiting for updates */
                    /* wait for updates or a 1-second timeout */
                    struct pollfd fds[3]={
                               { .fd= sub_red,   .events= POLLIN },
                               { .fd= sub_green, .events= POLLIN },
                               { .fd= sub_blue,  .events= POLLIN }
                    int ret= poll(fds,3,1000);
                    /* check for a timeout */
                               orb_publish(ORB_ID(color_timeouts), pub_timeouts,&cu);
                    /* check for color updates */
                               if(fds[0].revents& POLLIN){
                                         orb_copy(ORB_ID(color_red), sub_red,&cu);
                                        printf("red is now %d\n", cu.number);
                               if(fds[1].revents& POLLIN){
                                         orb_copy(ORB_ID(color_green), sub_green,&cu);
                                        printf("green is now %d\n", cu.number);
                               if(fds[2].revents& POLLIN){
                                         orb_copy(ORB_ID(color_blue), sub_blue,&cu);
                                        printf("blue is now %d\n", cu.number);



 * Set the minimum interval betweenwhich updates are seen for a subscription.
 * If this interval is set, thesubscriber will not see more than one update
 * within the period.
 * Specifically, the first time anupdate is reported to the subscriber a timer
 * is started. The update willcontinue to be reported via poll and orb_check, but
 * once fetched via orb_copy anotherupdate will not be reported until the timer
 * expires.
 * This feature can be used to pacea subscriber that is watching a topic that
 * would otherwise update tooquickly.
 * @param handle     A handle returned from orb_subscribe.
 * @param interval   An interval period in milliseconds.
 * @return           OK on success, ERROR otherwise with ERRNO set accordingly.
externint          orb_set_interval(int handle,unsigned interval);




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    在编译FLIR相机驱动时遇到 百度无人记录此问题 xff0c 特此记录解决办法 sudo apt install ros melodic image transport
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    软件架构 PX4 在广播消息网络内 xff0c 按照一组节点 xff08 nodes xff09 的形式进行组织 xff0c 网络之间使用像如 姿态 和 位置 之类的语义通道来传递系统状态 软件的堆栈结构主要分为四层 应用程序接口 提供给
  • PX4(PIXHAWK)源码开发人员文档(二)——Hello Sky

    前提 用UART1连接PX4FMU和计算机 安装PX4Toolchain 注册Github账户 Step 1 准备源码文件 为了方便管理代码 xff0c 可以使用GIT 版本控制系统 xff0c 在 GitHub上 fork和更新源码 不注
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    Step 5 订阅传感器数据 为了做有用的事情 xff0c 应用需要订阅subscribe输入并发布publish输出 e g 电机 或伺服指令 PX4平台真正的硬件抽象 xff08 true hardware abstraction xf
  • PX4(PIXHAWK)源码开发人员文档(三)——进程间通讯的开发者指南

    进程 应用之间的通信 xff08 例如将传感器应用的传感器数据发送到姿态滤波应用 xff09 是 PX4 软件架构的关键部分 进程 xff08 通常又被叫做节点 xff08 node xff09 xff09 通过命名为总线 xff08 bu