


  • 1. LandDetector模块简介
  • 2. 模块入口函数
    • 2.1 主入口land_detector_main
    • 2.2 自定义子命令custom_command
  • 3. LandDetector模块重要函数
    • 3.1 task_spawn
      • 3.1.1 FixedwingLandDetector
      • 3.1.2 MulticopterLandDetector
      • 3.1.3 VtolLandDetector
      • 3.1.4 RoverLandDetector
      • 3.1.5 AirshipLandDetector
    • 3.2 instantiate
    • 3.3 start
    • 3.4 Run
  • 4. 总结
  • 5. 参考资料

1. LandDetector模块简介


  1. 固定翼:fixedwing
  2. 多旋翼:multicopter
  3. 垂直起降:vtol
  4. 车辆:rover
  5. 飞艇:airship


### Description

Module to detect the freefall and landed state of the vehicle, and publishing the `vehicle_land_detected` topic.
Each vehicle type (multirotor, fixedwing, vtol, ...) provides its own algorithm, taking into account various
states, such as commanded thrust, arming state and vehicle motion.

### Implementation

Every type is implemented in its own class with a common base class. The base class maintains a state (landed,
maybe_landed, ground_contact). Each possible state is implemented in the derived classes. A hysteresis and a fixed
priority of each internal state determines the actual land_detector state.

#### Multicopter Land Detector

**ground_contact**: thrust setpoint and velocity in z-direction must be below a defined threshold for time
GROUND_CONTACT_TRIGGER_TIME_US. When ground_contact is detected, the position controller turns off the thrust setpoint
in body x and y.

**maybe_landed**: it requires ground_contact together with a tighter thrust setpoint threshold and no velocity in the
horizontal direction. The trigger time is defined by MAYBE_LAND_TRIGGER_TIME. When maybe_landed is detected, the
position controller sets the thrust setpoint to zero.

**landed**: it requires maybe_landed to be true for time LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_TIME_US.

The module runs periodically on the HP work queue.

land_detector <command> [arguments...]
   start         Start the background task
     fixedwing|multicopter|vtol|rover|airship Select vehicle type


   status        print status info


class LandDetector : public ModuleBase<LandDetector>, ModuleParams, px4::ScheduledWorkItem


2. 模块入口函数

2.1 主入口land_detector_main


 └──> return LandDetector::main(argc, argv)

2.2 自定义子命令custom_command


 └──> return print_usage("unknown command");

3. LandDetector模块重要函数

3.1 task_spawn


  1. 固定翼:fixedwing ───> FixedwingLandDetector
  2. 多旋翼:multicopter ───> MulticopterLandDetector
  3. 垂直起降:vtol ───> VtolLandDetector
  4. 车辆:rover ───> RoverLandDetector
  5. 飞艇:airship ───> AirshipLandDetector


 ├──> <fixedwing>
 │   └──> obj = new FixedwingLandDetector()
 ├──> <multicopter>
 │   └──> obj = new MulticopterLandDetector()
 ├──> <vtol>
 │   └──> obj = new VtolLandDetector()
 ├──> <rover>
 │   └──> obj = new RoverLandDetector()
 ├──> <airship>
 │   └──> obj = new AirshipLandDetector()
 ├──> <else>
 │   ├──> print_usage("unknown mode")
 │   └──> return PX4_ERROR
 ├──> <obj == nullptr>
 │   ├──> PX4_ERR("alloc failed")
 │   └──> return PX4_ERROR
 ├──> strncpy(_currentMode, argv[1], sizeof(_currentMode) - 1);_currentMode[sizeof(_currentMode) - 1] = '\0'; // Remember current active mode
 ├──> _object.store(obj)
 ├──> _task_id = task_id_is_work_queue
 ├──> obj->start()
 └──> return PX4_OK


3.1.1 FixedwingLandDetector

class FixedwingLandDetector final : public LandDetector
	~FixedwingLandDetector() override = default;


	bool _get_landed_state() override;
	void _set_hysteresis_factor(const int factor) override {};

	... //略

3.1.2 MulticopterLandDetector

class MulticopterLandDetector : public LandDetector
	~MulticopterLandDetector() override = default;

	void _update_params() override;
	void _update_topics() override;

	bool _get_landed_state() override;
	bool _get_ground_contact_state() override;
	bool _get_maybe_landed_state() override;
	bool _get_freefall_state() override;
	bool _get_ground_effect_state() override;
	bool _get_in_descend() override { return _in_descend; }
	bool _get_has_low_throttle() override { return _has_low_throttle; }
	bool _get_horizontal_movement() override { return _horizontal_movement; }
	bool _get_vertical_movement() override { return _vertical_movement; }
	bool _get_close_to_ground_or_skipped_check() override { return _close_to_ground_or_skipped_check; }

	void _set_hysteresis_factor(const int factor) override;

	... //略

3.1.3 VtolLandDetector

class VtolLandDetector : public MulticopterLandDetector
	VtolLandDetector() = default;
	~VtolLandDetector() override = default;

	void _update_topics() override;
	bool _get_landed_state() override;
	bool _get_maybe_landed_state() override;
	bool _get_freefall_state() override;

	... //略

3.1.4 RoverLandDetector

class RoverLandDetector : public LandDetector
	RoverLandDetector() = default;
	~RoverLandDetector() override = default;

	bool _get_ground_contact_state() override;
	bool _get_landed_state() override;
	void _set_hysteresis_factor(const int factor) override {};

3.1.5 AirshipLandDetector

class AirshipLandDetector : public LandDetector
	AirshipLandDetector() = default;
	~AirshipLandDetector() override = default;

	bool _get_ground_contact_state() override;
	bool _get_landed_state() override;
	void _set_hysteresis_factor(const int factor) override {};

3.2 instantiate


3.3 start

 ├──> ScheduleDelayed(50_ms)    // 默认50ms进行一次ScheduleNow
 └──> _vehicle_local_position_sub.registerCallback()  //飞行器位置消息发布时,回调一次ScheduleNow


uORB::SubscriptionCallbackWorkItem _vehicle_local_position_sub{this, ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)};

3.4 Run


 ├──> ScheduleDelayed(50_ms)  // push backup schedule, 定时延期(当没有其他消息回调时)
 ├──> perf_begin(_cycle_perf)
 ├──> <_parameter_update_sub.updated() || (_land_detected.timestamp == 0)>
 │   ├──> _parameter_update_sub.copy(&param_update)
 │   ├──> updateParams()
 │   ├──> 【可重载】_update_params()
 │   ├──> _total_flight_time = static_cast<uint64_t>(_param_total_flight_time_high.get()) << 32
 │   └──> _total_flight_time |= static_cast<uint32_t>(_param_total_flight_time_low.get())
 ├──> <_actuator_armed_sub.update(&actuator_armed)>
 │   └──> _armed = actuator_armed.armed
 ├──> <_vehicle_acceleration_sub.update(&vehicle_acceleration)>
 │   └──> _acceleration = matrix::Vector3f{vehicle_acceleration.xyz}
 ├──> <_vehicle_angular_velocity_sub.update(&vehicle_angular_velocity)>
 │   ├──> _angular_velocity = matrix::Vector3f{vehicle_angular_velocity.xyz}
 │   ├──> static constexpr float GYRO_NORM_MAX = math::radians(3.f); // 3 degrees/second
 │   └──> <_angular_velocity.norm() > GYRO_NORM_MAX>
 │       └──> _time_last_move_detect_us = vehicle_angular_velocity.timestamp_sample
 ├──> _vehicle_local_position_sub.update(&_vehicle_local_position)
 ├──> _vehicle_status_sub.update(&_vehicle_status)
 ├──> 【可重载】_update_topics()
 ├──> <!_dist_bottom_is_observable>
 │   └──> _dist_bottom_is_observable = _vehicle_local_position.dist_bottom_sensor_bitfield & vehicle_local_position_s::DIST_BOTTOM_SENSOR_RANGE; // we consider the distance to the ground observable if the system is using a range sensor
 ├──> <_dist_bottom_is_observable && !_vehicle_local_position.dist_bottom_valid>
 │   └──> _set_hysteresis_factor(3)
 ├──> <else>
 │   └──> _set_hysteresis_factor(1)
 │   【开始LandDetector状态判断】
 ├──> const hrt_abstime now_us = hrt_absolute_time();
 ├──> _freefall_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(【可重载】_get_freefall_state(), now_us);
 ├──> _ground_contact_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(【可重载】_get_ground_contact_state(), now_us);
 ├──> _maybe_landed_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(【可重载】_get_maybe_landed_state(), now_us);
 ├──> _landed_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(【可重载】_get_landed_state(), now_us);
 ├──> _ground_effect_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(【可重载】_get_ground_effect_state(), now_us);
 │   【获取LandDetector状态】
 ├──> const bool freefallDetected = _freefall_hysteresis.get_state();
 ├──> const bool ground_contactDetected = _ground_contact_hysteresis.get_state();
 ├──> const bool maybe_landedDetected = _maybe_landed_hysteresis.get_state();
 ├──> const bool landDetected = _landed_hysteresis.get_state();
 ├──> const bool in_ground_effect = _ground_effect_hysteresis.get_state();
 ├──> UpdateVehicleAtRest();
 ├──> const bool at_rest = landDetected && _at_rest;
 ├──> <(hrt_elapsed_time(&_land_detected.timestamp) >= 1_s) ||
 │       (_land_detected.landed != landDetected) ||
 │       (_land_detected.freefall != freefallDetected) ||
 │       (_land_detected.maybe_landed != maybe_landedDetected) ||
 │       (_land_detected.ground_contact != ground_contactDetected) ||
 │       (_land_detected.in_ground_effect != in_ground_effect) ||
 │       (_land_detected.at_rest != at_rest)>             // publish at 1 Hz, very first time, or when the result has changed
 │   ├──> <!landDetected && _land_detected.landed && _takeoff_time == 0> 
 │   │   └──> _takeoff_time = now_us// only set take off time once, until disarming
 │   ├──> _land_detected.landed = landDetected;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.freefall = freefallDetected;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.maybe_landed = maybe_landedDetected;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.ground_contact = ground_contactDetected;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.in_ground_effect = in_ground_effect;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.in_descend = 【可重载】_get_in_descend();
 │   ├──> _land_detected.has_low_throttle = 【可重载】_get_has_low_throttle();
 │   ├──> _land_detected.horizontal_movement = 【可重载】_get_horizontal_movement();
 │   ├──> _land_detected.vertical_movement = 【可重载】_get_vertical_movement();
 │   ├──> _land_detected.close_to_ground_or_skipped_check = 【可重载】_get_close_to_ground_or_skipped_check();
 │   ├──> _land_detected.at_rest = at_rest;
 │   ├──> _land_detected.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
 │   └──> _vehicle_land_detected_pub.publish(_land_detected);
 ├──> <_takeoff_time != 0 && !_armed && _previous_armed_state>
 │   ├──> _total_flight_time += now_us - _takeoff_time;
 │   ├──> _takeoff_time = 0;
 │   ├──> uint32_t flight_time = (_total_flight_time >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
 │   ├──> _param_total_flight_time_high.set(flight_time);
 │   ├──> _param_total_flight_time_high.commit_no_notification();
 │   ├──> flight_time = _total_flight_time & 0xffffffff;
 │   ├──> _param_total_flight_time_low.set(flight_time);
 │   └──> _param_total_flight_time_low.commit_no_notification();
 ├──> _previous_armed_state = _armed
 ├──> perf_end(_cycle_perf)
 └──> <should_exit()>
     ├──> ScheduleClear()
     └──> exit_and_cleanup()


4. 总结


struct vehicle_land_detected_s {
	uint64_t timestamp;
	bool freefall;
	bool ground_contact;
	bool maybe_landed;
	bool landed;
	bool in_ground_effect;
	bool in_descend;
	bool has_low_throttle;
	bool vertical_movement;
	bool horizontal_movement;
	bool close_to_ground_or_skipped_check;
	bool at_rest;
	uint8_t _padding0[5]; // required for logger


5. 参考资料

【3】PX4模块设计之十二:High Resolution Timer设计
【6】PX4 modules_main


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    ARM 7 在冯诺依曼 结构的 是三级流水线技术 分别是 取址 译码 执行 当有BL 的指令 执行时 流水线 也会被阻断 在分支指令执行的时候 其后第一条指令 被 解码 第二条 指令 被 取址 xff0c 当前的PC指针是 指在取址这的 x
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    I2C 使用2根双向信号线来传递数据 SCL 时钟线 SDA 数据线 特点 半双功 xff0c 仅需要2根线 一般在PCU 上占2个PIN I2C 总线 上 都是 oc od 输出 xff0c 所以使用上拉电阻 当总线空闲的时候 都是输出
  • java代码自动生成一(freemarker)

    size 61 large 网上有很多代码自动生成工具 xff0c 如abator和hibernate xff0c 这些工具虽好 xff0c 却没有源码 xff0c 不能修改模板 xff0c 让人很不爽 我刚毕业的时候 xff0c 项目经理
  • linux内核 2.6.35下的驱动例子

    创建 设备节点 mknod dev hello c 字符设备 或者b xff08 块设备 xff09 250 1 查看 cat proc devices 当前设备节点 insmod 安装 rmmod 删除 编译 Makefile 1 需要配
  • E:Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)

    出现这个问题的原因可能是有另外一个程序正在运行 xff0c 导致资源被锁不可用 而导致资源被锁的原因 xff0c 可能是上次安装时没正常完成 xff0c 而导致出现此状况 解决方法 xff1a 输入以下命令 sudo rm var cach
  • shell 脚本中的引用问题

    原始代码如下 bin sh myvar 61 34 Hello world 34 echo myvar echo 34 myvar 34 echo 39 myvar 39 echo myvar echo Enter some test re
  • Linux内核的TCP源码入门(一)

    文章目录 前言一 TCP报文段结构1 报文段整体结构2 TCP首部 固定部分3 TCP首部 选项 options 二 TCP接收和发送数据1 TCP的 34 接口 34 2 发送数据3 接收数据3 1 ip层向上调用INET Socket层
  • 【API接口工具】postman-Windows版、Linux安装

    Windows安装 Postman 适用于 Windows 7 及更高版本 下载最新的 Postman 版本 选择并运行该 exe文件以安装 Postman Postman v9 4 是 Postman 的最后一个版本 xff0c 同时支持
  • 四轴飞控DIY调试起飞简明步骤

    四轴飞控DIY调试起飞简明步骤 调试起飞简明步骤Step1 xff1a 飞控配置Step2 xff1a 试飞目标测试内容坐标系 Step3 xff1a 试飞方法1 升降 xff08 Throttle xff09 2 偏航 xff08 yaw
  • PX4模块设计之二十七:LandDetector模块

    PX4模块设计之二十七 xff1a LandDetector模块 1 LandDetector模块简介2 模块入口函数2 1 主入口land detector main2 2 自定义子命令custom command 3 LandDetec